A Mentor is a person who has accumulated Wisdom, Deep Understanding, Experience, Knowledge, Skills, Tricks, and Expertise in a particular area of endeavor, and is willing to impart such attributes to another person, and has the time to impart such attributes, and has the personal skill of being able to verbalize and teach the Wisdom, Deep Understanding, Experience, Knowledge, Skills, Tricks and Expertise in such a fashion that the recipient person, the Mentee, can understand, absorb, retain in memory, and recollect as needed, the attributes, and is motivated and driven by the Mentor to action them, being challenged by the Mentor to achieve ever greater heights of success, stretching himself to his personal limit and beyond.
Mentor: The Definitive Guide by Barron Hall, Actuary, MBA
During this extremely taxing years, it is now even more important to find good advice and council to survive the coming turmoil.
27 October 2022
Mentor: 19 Insanely Actionable Ways to Find a Mentor to Build Wealth Fast in 2022.
Imagine if you could Actually find Riches, Success, Prosperity, Wealth and Abundance by finding your personal mentor.

Read this one entire document carefully and slowly to know all that you need to know about finding a mentor for yourself, and actually becoming wealthy.
Men and women that find an excellent Business Mentor enjoy a much greater chance of Massive Financial Success. Having a Business Mentor in the Wealth and Prosperity field is at least 500% more effective at increasing your earnings than graduating with an MBA.
Read this entire post. You will find out more about finding the perfect mentor here, than if you scour the internet, watch 10 YouTube Videos, ask all your friends, and read 7 books. Its all here, in one place. Grab a coffee and read on. Read it all, don’t miss out on anything. eg: did you know that (contrary to popular opinion) it is best to have only ONE mentor?

Insanely Practical and Definitive Actionable Guidance on how You, driven by a strong desire for Business Success and Abundant Wealth, can Succeed in finding your Optimum Wealth and Prosperity Mentor, and actually start building Crazy Huge Wealth.
by DollarBillionaire™
Mentor: Overview
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #1:
Read this Overview QUICK to get a summary of the best process to follow to Find a Mentor.
Thinking of getting a Mentor?
Few people think of getting a Mentor. Even fewer actually go out and find one and set up a Mentor / Mentee relationship. This is sad because having a Mentor can drastically change the outcome of your life for you, for the better. You will never know just how far you can go towards achieving your aspirations if you neglect to find a mentor for yourself.
I am going to assist you in your quest, which I am going to assume includes these questions:
1. Do I need a mentor?
2. Exactly what is a mentor?
3. How do I find my mentor?
Not all will be answered in this overview, so please browse through the entire document, where you will find your answers. Most people do not know an actual real-life mentor, and even though they have an idea regarding the purpose of mentoring, they do not understand the nuances. It is a bit like wanting to buy a vehicle, but not knowing the difference between a truck and a standard car. So I am going to flesh out your understanding of all things mentoring! You will then be able to take a much better decision on this very important aspect of your life.
Finding a mentor is not easy. There are all kinds of people out there who might be a mentor to you, but they are not always suitable. If for example, you are needing to be mentored in Management, then it does not help to find a person who is an excellent Tennis player. You absolutely need to find the correct match between your Aspirational needs and the skills, expertise, and wisdom in your potential mentor.
Your “Achievement Area”
Therefore after you have decided that you do indeed want a mentor, it is vital to think through very carefully exactly what you are trying to achieve. Do you want to be the world’s best tennis player? Or a top heart surgeon? Or a successful entrepreneur? Once you have decided this, you should expand on the thoughts in more detail and put it down in writing.
Call this your “Achievement Area.” Compose it once on paper, then refine it over and over, working on it for a few days at least. Sleeping between revisions is really a good idea, and will help you to create a great outline, your “Achievement Area.” Here are some examples:
A good Achievement Area Statement: “I Am Interested In Creating Very High Revenue Flows Leading To Massive Wealth.”
(By the way, if this is YOUR kind of Achievement Area statement, then DollarBillionaire™ could possibly be your Mentor. We do not mentor aspiring tennis stars or top heart surgeons. DollarBillionaire™ does mentor aspiring future Dollar Billionaires.)
Your “Measurable Milestones”
Once you have your Achievement Area Statement done, create your “Measurable Milestones.” Describe exactly what you want to achieve, how much of it, and by when.
A bad Measurable Milestone Statement: I want to be rich very very soon.
A good Measurable Milestone Statement:
“I am going to be extremely wealthy, within 10 years. My wealth will be in excess of $10 Billion. I will own a private Island, a private Honda Jet, a Rolls-Royce Phantom in black, and I will store my other wealth in various forms of Real Estate, Passive Income Businesses, Shares, Cryptocurrency, Gold and Silver, and a great Art Collection.
Not only will I have this wealth I will also own a collection of Businesses, generating Annual income after taxation of $1 Billion or more.”
Finding the Mentor
Now, say that you meet an excellent Graphic Artist. Would he make a good Mentor for you? Absolutely not, given your Achievement Area Statement as stated above.
You find an excellent Accountant, would he make a good mentor for you? NO! Accountants as such do NOT know how to help you in this achievement area. They are good at adding up money AFTER it has been made.
Your path crosses a top Attorney. Will he make a good Mentor? NO! Generally speaking, attorneys are good at stalling deals, not making them.
You find a Billionaire. OK, maybe now you have a potential mentor. This raises a very important question. If someone has already DONE what you are TRYING TO DO, will that person be a good mentor? I tell you this … most often the answer is NO. Here is why:
Many Billionaires stumbled onto something and then made it good through various means. If they were reset back to zero, they might never make it again back to Billionaire status in 100 lifetimes, let alone be able to mentor someone else regarding how to do the deed. They simply cannot reproduce the experience because they just happened to get some major things right with a good helping of luck, hard work, and good timing.
Now, can they mentor you to do the same? Probably not. They cannot because of the way that they became wealthy.
However, some Billionaires might indeed be able to reproduce the event if they had to. The problem often is, they cannot VERBALIZE what it is they do to gain that level of success. So then you have to resort to tagging along with them throughout their day and doing your very best to ascertain what they do and how they think, not an easy task.
Their words to you might, in fact, be destructive to your goals. Warren Buffet, for example, advocates a MacDonald’s meal every morning. Hardly the way to supply nutrition to a stressed-out body. Bill Gates advocates reading many books. Someone needs to tell him about YouTube, and how to watch at 1.5x normal speed. Time is money. Books are good, but they are slow and yesterdays tech.
Final Mentor Choice
Let us say that after some time you have found a few potential mentors that you think will be suitable for you, in that they might be able to impart their skills, expertise and business wisdom to yourself, and their skills, expertise, and wisdom pertains to your Achievement area.
The matter is still not so easy. What if they are NOT prepared to Mentor you? What if they ARE prepared to mentor you but you cannot afford the fees that they want to charge you? What if they would be happy to mentor you and they are affordable but they just do not have the TIME to spend with you to move you on to the higher level of achievement that you desire? No-one said life was easy. Indeed we are of the opinion that just deciding to be mentored, and actually finding the right mentor for you, is 25% of the job of achieving your goals.
Jobs Search, Salaries and Mentoring
If you are hitting the job market, looking for a job or trying to find a better job, then having a mentor can be of help to you. The job search process is tiring, and being unemployed is never enjoyable. Doing time as a waitress is not much fun either. It is true that a salary comparison between those who have been mentored and those who have not been mentored does show quite a large gap in favor of the mentees.
Our advice to you is to avoid the job market entirely. If you are seeking a business mentor, rather look for one who will guide you into entrepreneurship, business ownership, and financial freedom. Life is so much more fun, rewarding and fulfilling if you are not employed as such, but rather living life as an employer!
A Grave Warning to the Reader
Much mentoring and coaching literature out there is concerned with the corporate environment. The advice and tips contained in those articles are generally sound if you are simply wanting to be a better employee – read this as “a better slave“. As an employee, you are always paid less than what you are worth.
Here at DollarBillionaire™, we are coming at this whole mentoring “thing” from a totally different point of view. We do not want you to be “mind-locked” into developing a “good career” and being a “model employee“. The mentoring and coaching that goes on in the halls of corporations is designed to enslave you until you retire, harnessing your energies and creativity to enrich the corporation that has enslaved you.
We are admittedly using harsh words here to get a point across. If you are seeking mentoring be very careful to read the literature out there through the correct lens. If you are simply wanting a better career, then that’s fine. But do not come to DollarBillionaire™ for mentoring if that is the case. Corporate mentoring is stunted and purposefully does not tell you all that you need to know, and often teaches you things that are not in your best interests. We are not corporate mentors. We are on your side.
At DollarBillionaire™, we use the term mentor in its full and powerful form, including the mentor’s finest efforts to get the very best out of you as a person, for you to Succeed Massively, to help you to retain the majority of the Fruit of your Labor, to be free in Mind and Spirit, to be Financially Free, and to empower you to become Mega Wealthy. Very, very different from the goals of a corporate mentor.
To help you along the way to finding your dream mentor, please read this entire Guide on the subject “Mentor”. It will be time well spent and will help you to avoid any potential costly mistakes.
- Know exactly WHAT you wish to be mentored in – Your “Achievement Area“.
- Decide how much time, energy and money you are prepared to spend.
- Decide just how much Success, Prosperity and Wealth you are Aspiring to.
- Create your “Measurable Milestones“. Describe exactly what you want to achieve, how much of it, and by when.
- Then seek potential Mentors who have the Skills, Expertise, and Knowledge pertaining to your Achievement Area.
Make a shortlist by filtering out those who are
- prepared to Mentor you, AND
- who are able to Vocalize and Teach their Skills and Knowledge, AND
- have the time required to mentor you, AND
- are within your price range.
Approach your selected Mentor and request Mentoring.
Before you do any of the above, please read this entire Definitive Guide on the subject “Mentor”. This summary here is an OVERVIEW for you, to set the scene on this Topic – “Mentor“, and omits many subtle concepts. The content below is comprehensive, provides you with invaluable tips and advice, and also highlights potentially dangerous mistakes that you can make if you rush into this most important step in your life. Indeed if you were a beautiful, pure, flawless diamond, then school and university are the process of cutting you into shape. Mentoring is the final act of polishing the stone of your life. Make no mistake – get this right and your life will shine.
Mentor Definition
What does Mentor Mean?
Mentor Meaning
What is a mentor?
Who is a mentor?
Who can be a mentor?
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #2:
Take a quick look at how the rest of the world defines a mentor. These definitions are inadequate but worthwhile looking at. You need to know exactly what a mentor is before you look for one, agreed?
How does the Dictionary define a Mentor?
The Dictionary definitions are inadequate, yet worthwhile looking at. In the next Chapter, we will define Mentor for you, but first, let’s see what the standard definitions look like:
The Cambridge Dictionary:
“mentor nounuk /ˈmen.tɔːr/ us /ˈmen.tɔːr/
The Oxford Dictionary:
“noun: An experienced and trusted adviser.
verb: Advise or train (someone, especially a younger colleague).”
Noun: A person’s mentor is someone who gives them help and advice over a period of time, especially help and advice related to their job.
Verb: To mentor someone means to give them help and advice over a period of time, especially help and advice related to their job.”
“a trusted counselor or guide, tutor, coach”
“mentor [men-tawr, -ter]
a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.
an influential senior sponsor or supporter.
verb (used without object)
to act as a mentor:”
“Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. The mentor may be older or younger than the person being mentored, but he or she must have a certain area of expertise. It is a learning and development partnership between someone with vast experience and someone who wants to learn. Mentorship experience and relationship structure affect the “amount of psychosocial support, career guidance, role modeling, and communication that occurs in the mentoring relationships in which the protégés and mentors engaged.”
The person in receipt of mentorship may be referred to as a protégé (male), a protégée (female), an apprentice or, in the 2000s, a mentee. The mentor may be referred to as a godfather/godmother or a rabbi.
“Mentoring” is a process that always involves communication and is relationship-based, but its precise definition is elusive, with more than 50 definitions currently in use. One definition of the many that have been proposed, is
Mentoring is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the psychosocial support perceived by the recipient as relevant to work, career, or professional development; mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and during a sustained period of time, between a person who is perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or experience (the mentor) and a person who is perceived to have less (the protégé)”.”
This definition from Wikipedia is, in our opinion, the best we could find.
Business Dictionary.com:
on Mentoring:
“Employee training system under which a senior or more experienced individual (the mentor) is assigned to act as an advisor, counselor, or guide to a junior or trainee. The mentor is responsible for providing support to, and feedback on, the individual in his or her charge.”
“A mentor is a person who trains and guides someone, like the second-grade English teacher who saw the spark of creativity in your writing and encouraged you to become a professional author.
The original Mentor was a character in Homer’s long poem Odyssey who looked after Odysseus’s family, particularly his son Telemachus, while Odysseus was off fighting in the Trojan War. Today the word is used to describe any person who acts as an advisor or teacher. As a noun, mentor describes the coach who taught you to play baseball. As a verb, mentor is what the coach does to help you improve your swing.
Definitions of mentornoun: a wise and trusted guide and advisor
Verb: serve as a teacher or trusted counselor“
noun: Mentor is defined as someone who guides another to greater success.
A teacher is an example of a mentor.
Myth. the loyal friend and advisor of Odysseus, and teacher of his son, Telemachus
a person, esp. an experienced, older person, who provides personal or professional guidance
A wise and trusted counselor or teacher.
Mentor Greek Mythology Odysseus’s trusted counselor, in whose guise Athena became the guardian and teacher of Telemachus.
verb: intransitive: To serve as a trusted counselor or teacher, especially in occupational settings.
verb: transitive: To serve as a trusted counselor or teacher to (another person).
A wise and trusted councelor or teacher
To act as someone’s mentor”
“Mentoring Definitions collected by Andrew Gibbons
- “Mentoring is a long term relationship that meets a development need, helps develop full potential, and benefits all partners, mentor, mentee and the organisation”. – Suzanne Faure
- “Mentoring is a protected relationship in which learning and experimentation can occur, potential skills can be developed, and in which results can be measured in terms of competencies gained”. – Audrey Collin
- Mentoring is “A mutual relationship with an intentional agenda designed to convey specific content along with life wisdom from one individual to another. Mentoring does not happen by accident, nor do its benefits come quickly. It is relationally based, but it is more than a good friendship…mentoring is not two people who just spend time together sharing”. – Thomas Addington and Stephen Graves
- “Mentoring is a supportive learning relationship between a caring individual who shares knowledge, experience and wisdom with another individual who is ready and willing to benefit from this exchange, to enrich their professional journey”. – Suzanne Faure
- “Mentoring is an important adult relationship since it creates a legitimate and special space where people can take chances by trying to be authentic about, and find meaning within their real-life professional experience”. – D Doyon
- “The purpose of mentoring is always to help the mentee to change something – to improve their performance, to develop their leadership qualities, to develop their partnership skills, to realise their vision, or whatever. This movement from where they are, (‘here’), to where they want to be (‘there’). – Mike Turner
- “Mentoring involves primarily listening with empathy, sharing experience (usually mutually), professional friendship, developing insight through reflection, being a sounding board, encouraging” – David Clutterbuck
- “Mentoring is an intense work relationship between senior and junior organisational members. The mentor has experience and power in the organisation, and personally advises, counsels, coaches and promotes the career development of the protégé” – Anne Stockdale
…and thoughts on what it takes to be a mentor
A mentor is…”an accomplished and experienced performer who takes a special, personal interest in helping to guide and develop a junior or more inexperienced person”. – Stephen Gibb“
A mentor should have the qualities of experience, perspective and distance, challenging the mentee and using candor to force re-examination and reprioritisation without being a crutch”. – Christopher Conway“
A mentor facilitates personal and professional growth in an individual by sharing the knowledge and insights that have been learned through the years. The desire to want to share these ‘life experiences’ is characteristic of a successful mentor”. – Arizona National Guard“
Mentors in the workplace are simply people who help other people succeed”. – Neave Hospital Southern Minnesota“
A mentor is a more experienced individual willing to share knowledge with someone less experienced in a relationship of mutual trust” – David Clutterbuck
A mentor is…”A trusted counselor or guide. Normally a senior person to the associate. A mentor is a counselor, coach, motivator, and role model. A mentor is a person who has a sincere desire to enhance the success of others. A person who volunteers time to help the associate”. – Air National Guard USA“
A mentor is someone who can patiently assist with someone’s growth and development in a given area. This assistance can come in the form of guidance, teaching, imparting of wisdom and experience”. – Chicago Computer Society“
A great mentor has a knack for making us think we are better than we think we are. They force us to have a good opinion of ourselves, let us know they believe in us. They make us get more out of ourselves, and once we learn how good we really are, we never settle for anything less than our very best”. – The Prometheus Foundation “
“Mentors listen: They maintain eye contact and give mentees their full attention.
Mentors guide: Mentors are there to help their mentees find life direction, never to push them.
Mentors are practical: They give insights about keeping on task and setting goals and priorities.
Mentors educate: Mentors educate about life and their own careers.
Mentors provide insight: Mentors use their personal experience to help their mentees avoid mistakes and learn from good decisions.
Mentors are accessible: Mentors are available as a resource and a sounding board.
Mentors criticize constructively: When necessary, mentors point out areas that need improvement, always focusing on the mentee’s behavior, never his/her character.
Mentors are supportive: No matter how painful the mentee’s experience, mentors continue to encourage them to learn and improve.
Mentors are specific: Mentors give specific advice on what was done well or could be corrected, what was achieved and the benefits of various actions.
Mentors care: Mentors care about their mentees’ progress in school and career planning, as well as their personal development.
Mentors succeed: Mentors not only are successful themselves, but they also foster success in others.
Mentors are admirable: Mentors are usually well respected in their organizations and in the community.”
Comments on the above Definitions
For normal purposes, as in a quick dictionary explanation, the above does suffice. The quotes from pages.gseis.ucla.edu are a bit bleeding heart and can be counter-productive, especially when considering Business Mentorship. Business is warfare, not a community care center. The collection by Andrew Gibbons is really quite good, and the Wikipedia definition is also helpful.
However, when one is seriously looking for an excellent Mentor, to change one’s life for the better, a much more accurate, insightful and helpful definition is needed. In the next section, we are going to supply you with just that, a more accurate, insightful and helpful definition of “Mentor”.
Who is a mentor?
A mentor is quite simply anyone who desires to be a mentor, has the attributes of a mentor, and fulfills the role of a mentor.
Who can be a mentor?
To be a mentor one needs wisdom, experience, knowledge, skills, and expertise in a particular area, and the ability to verbalize and teach these attributes.
After reading the Summary please continue to the next Chapter to see how DollarBillionaire™ defines “Mentor”.
Mentor Definition
What does Mentor Mean?
Mentor Meaning
What is a mentor?
Who is a mentor?
Who can be a mentor?
- There is no standard definition of a Mentor.
- The word “Mentor” is both a NOUN and a VERB
- The general definition involves:
- An older person, or more senior person (The Mentor) relating to a younger, or junior person (the Mentee / Protege),
- The older person (The Mentor) is knowledgeable, wise, experienced and trusted,
- The Mentor acts as a trainer, a guide, a tutor, a coach, a counselor, an advisor, a teacher, a role model,
- Wisdom, Help, and Advice is passed along to the Mentee, over a period of time,
- Often in the context of a job or school,
- The format is a relationship, a partnership,
- The relationship is a long-term one,
- The Process is one of passing on of learning,
- The motivation of the Mentee occurs,
- Stretching and Challenging the Mentee occurs,
- The object of the Mentoring is for the Mentee to achieve greater success in a specific field of endeavor, and to advance the Mentee’s professional and personal growth and achieve his or her full potential.
Now, read the next Chapter to see two very helpful definitions:
- A General, Definitive Definition of a Mentor, and
- A Specific Definition of a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor.
DollarBillionaire™ supplies the latter service.
Define Mentor
Definition of Mentoring and Coaching
Coach vs Mentor
Who can be a mentor?
How to be a mentor
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #3:
Here is how DollarBillionaire™ Defines a Mentor. Do your best to absorb this and in so doing empower yourself to know exactly what you are looking for in a mentor. Also know the difference between a coach and a mentor.
How DollarBillionaire™ Defines a Mentor
We are going to provide you with two very helpful definitions:
- A General, Definitive Definition of a Mentor, and
- A Specific Definition of a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor.
A General, Definitive Definition of a Mentor

The Best Definition of Mentor
by DollarBillionaire™
“A Mentor is a person who has accumulated Wisdom, Deep Understanding, Experience, Knowledge, Skills, Tricks and Expertise in a particular area of endeavor, and is WILLING to impart such attributes to another person, has the TIME to impart such attributes, and has the personal skill of being able to VERBALIZE AND TEACH the Wisdom, Deep Understanding, Experience, Knowledge, Skills, Tricks and Expertise in such a fashion that the recipient person, the Mentee, can understand, absorb, retain in memory, and recollect as needed, the attributes, and is MOTIVATED AND DRIVEN by the Mentor to action them, being CHALLENGED by the Mentor to achieve ever greater heights of success, stretching himself to his personal limit and beyond.”
A Specific Definition of a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor

Definition of a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor
by DollarBillionaire™
A Wealth and Prosperity Mentor is a person who possesses a specific “TOOLSET” in that the Mentor:
- has Mastered the Art of Business Management, Wealth Creation, Wealth Investment and Wealth Retention; and
- has accumulated Great Business Wisdom, and Deep Understanding of the Processes and Techniques of Business Management, Wealth Creation, Wealth Investment and Wealth Retention, and
- has Experienced all aspects of Business Management, Wealth Creation, Wealth Investment and Wealth Retention, and
- understands Power, how to Create and Seize Power, and how to Wield Power and how to Retain Power, and
- understands Business Warfare, Information gathering and absorption, how to Strategize and Conduct Business Warfare, and how to Win and at the same time Neutralize and even Destroy the enemy, and
- has accumulated the Knowledge, Skills, Tricks, and Expertise needed to build a Successful, Growing, Profitable Business Empire, and
- has a deep understanding of the Processes behind Optimizing the Effectiveness of a person’s MIND, MINDSET, WORLDVIEW, SELF ESTEEM, BODY, DRIVE, CREATIVITY, SELF APPLICATION, SELF MOTIVATION, SELF DISCIPLINE, PERSEVERANCE, Financial and Personal HABITS.
- is willing to GET TO KNOW HIS MENTEE INTIMATELY in order to create a personalized delivery of the Toolset to the Mentee, and
- is WILLING to impart such a Toolset to another person, and
- has the TIME to impart such a Toolset, and
- has the personal skill of being able to VERBALIZE AND TEACH the Toolset to his Mentee, in such a fashion that the Mentee can understand, absorb, become, retain in memory, recollect, and implement as needed, the Toolset, and
- is MOTIVATED AND DRIVEN by the Mentor to action the Toolset,
- being CHALLENGED by the Mentor to achieve ever greater heights of success, power, monetary revenue, financial abundance, and financial wealth, and at all times
- stretching the Mentee to his personal limit and beyond.
Definition of Coaching
A coach is a person who sets up a short-term relationship with another person or group of persons and trains the person or group in one very specific area of achievement.
For example, the coach of a baseball team is by no means a mentor, and yet there are some similarities. It is more enlightening to consider the differences:
Coach vs Mentor
- A mentoring relationship is more relationship based and coaching is more task-based.
- A mentor has a lengthier relationship with his mentees than the coach does with his trainees.
- A mentor covers a much larger spectrum of fields of activity than does a coach.
- A mentor is a more advanced person than a coach.
- A mentor offers advice, a coach is more direct and gives instructions and tips.
- The meetings between a mentor and his mentee can be at less formal times than between a coach and his trainee.
- A mentor/mentee relationship goes to much deeper levels than a coach/trainee relationship does.
- A mentor concentrates more on the personal development of his mentee, while a coach concentrates more on performance and outcomes from his trainee.
Mentorship, and who can be a Mentor?
Anybody can be a mentor, as long as they have the required attributes, and can play the role set out for a mentor, as specified in the definition above.
How to be a Mentor
Aquire the necessary attributes, find a mentee and fulfill the role of a mentor.
If you are serious about seeking mentoring, it will be wise to commit the relevant definition above to memory. This will help you in choosing your perfect Mentor and will prevent you from making costly mistakes. In particular, avoid this very frequent mistake: Choosing a mentor based simply on the fact that the potential mentor is a great performer in your achievement area. Do not choose a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor simply on the fact that the Mentor is a Billionaire or a Millionaire. This can be a costly and time-wasting error, and could indeed derail you and demotivate you forever.
Define Mentor
Definition of Mentoring and Coaching
Coach vs Mentor
Who can be a mentor?
How to be a mentor
- Memorize the appropriate definition of a Mentor,
- Use this knowledge to assist you in your selection of a Mentor
- A coach has a less intense relationship with his trainee than a mentor has with his mentee.
If you are seeking a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor, you should strongly consider using the services provided by DollarBillionaire™ in the person of Barron Hall. Barron wrote this definitive Guide. You deserve the best that is available if you are serious about Financial Wealth and Prosperity.
Mentor Synonyms
Another Word for Mentor
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #4:
Briefly consider a few Synonyms for the word “mentor”. This will further help your understanding of what a mentor does.
Pondering on Mentor Synonyms
Read through this list to help to make your understanding of what a Mentor is more clear:
Remember, these are what are considered by some people as SYNONYMS to the word “Mentor”. They are not an accurate reflection of what a mentor does or is.
acharya, advise, adviser, advisor, affirmation, aide, aiding, attorney, authority, backseat driver, buttinski, careers adviser, clever, clubhouse lawyer, coach, coaching, confidant, confidante, consultant, counsel, counseling, counselling, counsellor, counselor, director, docent, doctor, don, drill instructor, Dutch uncle, education, educationalist, educator, elder, elder statesman, entity, expert, exposure, fostering, friend, furtherance, great soul, guide, guiding, guru, helper, influencer, initiation, instruction, instructor, intellect, intellectual, judge, kibitzer, lawyer, lead, lecturer, lodestar, maestro, maharishi, master, mastering, mastermind, monitor, monitoring, nurturance, orientation, pandit, partner, pathfinder, pedagogue, pedagogy, person, physical education instructor, pilot, preceptor, priest, professor, pundit, quarterback, rav, rebbe, referee, righthand person, role model, sage, savant, scholar, schoolmaster, schoolmistress, schoolteacher, second-guesser, shepherd, show, skipper, spiritual leader, starets, support, swami, teacher, teaching, therapist, thinker, trailblazer, trainer, training, tuition, tutor, tutoring.
Mentor Synonyms
Another Word for Mentor
The best Mentor Synonyms are:
- Advisor
- Coach
- Expert
- Guide
- Confidant
- Counselor
- Consultant
- Guru
- Instructor
- Master
- Role Model
- Teacher
- Trainer
- Tutor
Mentor in a Sentence
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #5:
Briefly consider a few sentences using the word “mentor”. This will further help your understanding of what a mentor does. The better your understanding of what a mentor does the better your choice of mentor will be.
Here are some examples of the use of the word Mentor and some of its derivatives in a Sentence
- I am looking for a Tennis mentor to help me to improve my game to Championship level.
- At school, my English teacher became my mentor and encouraged me to become an author.
- You need a mentor if you want to achieve your full potential.
- One of my mentees went on to make 135 Million Dollars before he was 24 years old.
- Tom enjoyed mentoring the boy scout group in survival skills.
- Being unable to afford a mentor, Bob struggled to make his business grow.
- All new staff at Bobby’s Cycles are mentored by an advanced salesperson.
- The price of Wealth Creation mentoring at DollarBillionaire™ is less than the cost of a standard MBA.
- Barron Hall is CEO and Chief Mentor for DollarBillionaire™.
Pretty easy stuff.
Mentor in a Sentence
- If you applied for the mentorship program at DollarBillionaire™ and if you were accepted to be a mentee learning under their chief mentor Barron Hall, your earnings and wealth would in all probability grow massively.
50 Benefits of Mentoring
Mentoring Guidelines
Mentoring Skills
Being a Mentor
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #6:
Life tip: “Being Lazy leads to Being Poor.” Don’t be poor. Make work of remembering these 50 benefits that you expect to enjoy under your new mentor. When being mentored, demand these 50 benefits at least! DollarBillionaire™ mentees enjoy 144 mentoring benefits, so 50 benefits is the the least that you should demand.
50 Benefits of Mentoring:
- Increased Probability of Success: Having a good mentor vastly increases your chances of great success in your chosen field.
- Time: The time it takes for the mentee to achieve success is shortened if he uses a mentor.
- Magnitude: As a result of arriving at success earlier, the mentee has more time left in his life to grow even further, thus the magnitude of his success is increased.
- School of Hard Knocks: You do not need to learn from your own mistakes. By learning from the mistakes that your mentor has made, and implementing his solutions, you can reduce the cost and time it takes to be successful.
- Personal SWOT Analysis (Strengths / Weaknesses/ Opportunities / Threats): If you have a good mentor, he will seek to understand you, your strengths and your weaknesses, and the unique opportunities and threats that you face. He will then help you where you are most in need of help and will not pay too much attention to areas where you are stronger. This is very different from learning at a University, where there is no curriculum modification, in fact, the curriculum is the same for every student.
- Tricks of the Trade: Your mentor can teach you many tricks of the trade, things that are learned by hard experience.
- Advice: Your mentor will give you advice, support, guidance and help as you build your success.
- Skills: Your mentor will help you to build your problem-solving skill set.
- Expertise: The mentor will pass on much-needed expertise to the mentee.
- Problem Solving: If you are coming up against a tough problem, having a mentor who can help you to navigate your way through it is immensely helpful.
- Wisdom: The mentor will pass on his hard-earned wisdom to the mentee.
- Time Management: Time is the most scarce resource. We all have only 24 hours in a day and limited days. A good mentor will teach his mentee how to optimize the use of his time, trimming off time-wasting activities and encouraging multitasking where appropriate.
- Sleep Management: A good mentor will teach sound, productive, sleep habits and patterns, leading to increased success and effectiveness of self-application.
- Exercise and Nutrition: A good mentor will stress the need for good exercise and nutrition to optimize the level of efficiency of the human being. This will carry the individual through very stressful times on the path to success, and increase the mental and cognitive powers of the mentee.
- Decision Making: As you grow and develop in your chosen endeavor, you will reach many decision points where you have to make choices between multiple potential routes. Your mentor can guide you here to make the optimal choices. He can also protect you from making bad choices which could set you back years and be very costly.
- Techniques: There are some techniques and ways of thinking that you might never stumble upon by yourself. These will be passed on to you by your mentor, and all you have to do is to understand them and then implement them correctly to benefit from them.
- Validation: Often, validation can be very powerful. Once you have taken a tough decision, it is handy to have a good mentor around who can validate your decision, assuring you that you have made a wise choice. This empowers you and energizes you to more confidently implement what you have decided upon.
- Clarity: often concepts are elusive and hard to verbalize. The reasons behind exactly why a decision was taken may also be not readily apparent. A good mentor will work with you until you have clarity of thought on the matter at hand and can move forward knowing exactly what your thought processes were that led to a decision being made.
- Networking and Contacts: You can benefit from your mentor’s social circle and business contacts. Often your mentor can put you in contact with just the right person at just the right time, and the benefit of this can be immense.
- Very Personal Development: You mentor can help you with personal aspects that other people will never dare to mention.
- Communication Skills: Your communication skills are a case in point. If for example you have a whiny voice and your intonation is bad, you mentor could point this out to you and assist you with voice development and intonation improvement. Friends will hardly ever help you here, they are more supportive than truthful when it comes to such matters.
- Literature: Your mentor could recommend helpful books, YouTube channels and so on that could assist with your personal growth.
- Dead Mentors: Many of the best mentors are now long deceased. They were truly great men and women, but hardly anyone talks about them now or knows about them since they are no longer topical. A good mentor will bring these people to your attention and encourage you to research their writings.
- Achievement Sharing: When you achieve something, it is great to have someone around that you respect who will recognize your achievement and encourage you further.
- Goal Setting: We all know how important goal setting is. Your mentor can assist you here greatly, in particular, he knows when a goal is too low, or alternatively unachievable, and will assist you to set a goal that stretches you to the limit, whilst still being within the bounds of possible attainment.
- Accountability: Often mentees are people who are not accountable to others in any big way. Having a mentor that you are held accountable to leads to a greater probability of action being taken to achieve goals.
- Focus: One of the keys to success is Focus, Focus, Focus. Laser Focus to be exact. A good mentor will ensure that you remain focused on goal achievement.
- Stretch and Challenge: A good mentor will continually stretch you to achieve ever greater heights of achievement, continually challenging you to keep advancing.
- Leadership Training: You mentor can help you develop, and practice, essential leadership skills.
- Self Esteem and Confidence: Your mentor can help you to build your self-esteem and self-confidence levels.
- Motivation and Encouragement: A good mentor will help to motivate you, and build your self-motivation skills, and keep you focused on goal attainment.
- Perseverance: Success requires much perseverance, success does not come easy. A good mentor will encourage and stress the need for perseverance.
- Self Discipline: when you become slack a good mentor will reinforce in you the need for self-discipline – without which success is no more than a delusion.
- Formation of Good Habits: A good mentor will help you to build good habits that are conducive to success.
- Elimination of Bad Habits: A good mentor will assist you in identifying and eliminating bad habits that work against your chances of success.
- A Useful Ally: You benefit from the fact that you are not alone in this fight, you have someone at hand who is on your side, who can be strong for you when you are weak.
- Overview: A good mentor can provide a solid overall understanding of the area of achievement that you are following, helping you to see the wood for the trees.
- New Perspectives: A good mentor can help you to see new perspectives, to see new opportunities, to recognize windows of opportunity, things that you might miss if you were winging it alone.
- Change Management: Managing change is one of the most difficult things to do, and yet change is essential in times of rapid growth and development. A good mentor will help his mentee to navigate change and embrace its positive spinoff effects.
- Criticism: A mentee should treasure and ponder the criticism he receives from his mentor. This stimulates self-examination and is one of the keys to new personal growth in areas of weakness.
- Venting in Safety: A good relationship with your mentor would give you a place to vent when things upset or annoy you. After you have poured out your frustrations and the two of you have discussed things, you will be in a good position to take a reasoned and balanced approach to the problem.
- Sounding Board: Discussing your ideas with a mentor will help you to decide which ideas to follow up on and which to drop.
- The “Mentored By ” Halo Effect: If your mentor is seriously well chosen and highly respected, then just knowing that you were mentored by this person adds to your personal aura, and this can be very beneficial in many circumstances.
- Unbiased Point of View: A good mentor is handy in that he can provide you with an alternate and unbiased point of view regarding problems and opportunities that you are faced with. Your mentor will be unbiased because he has nothing to score from you to your detriment, he only wins when you are successful.
- A Muse: The best mentors bring out the best in the mentee.
- A Role Model: Having a role model to emulate and to aspire to is a big help when striving for extreme success.
- Strategy formulation and Implementation: Strategy formulation and implementation is a very important part of running any business and is something that your mentor can guide you through. He has experience and skills here and will protect you from faulty thinking and bad decision making in this area. Even if you are not being mentored for business, you need a strategy and you need to implement that strategy. The implementation side of the strategy will be very much for the mentee to action, however, the mentor can help to ensure that strategy is not just a dead document but is brought to life by the mentee.
- Long-term relationship: You should aim at a long-term relationship with your mentor. The benefits here are obvious. Since your mentor will have a strong understanding of you, your needs and your goals, he will be up to steam very quickly to assist you with new developments as they occur.
- New World View: A good mentor will build your understanding regarding how things actually are in your area of achievement, how the important variables interconnect and interrelate.
- New Mind Set: A good mentor will provide you with a new way of thinking about things, new insights into the art of being successful, and a set of solid principles regarding what it takes to be successful.
Mentoring Guidelines
Quite simply, a good mentor should ensure that he has the necessary attributes given the area of achievement of his mentee, and then he should concentrate on delivering these 50 benefits to his mentee.
Mentoring Skills
Here we are not referring to the skills that the mentor is trying to get across. Rather we are referring to the skilled process the mentor uses to impart the 50 benefits to his mentee. This is simply:
1-Ask for feedback,
2-Monitor the progress,
3-Continually ensure all 50 benefits are being imparted,
4-Measure the success achieved,
5-Keep mentoring and adjusting the learning and motivation until the required success is achieved.
Being a Mentor
This is a most demanding endeavor. The mentor must be able to ensure that he has the necessary attributes given the area of achievement of his mentee. Then he should concentrate on delivering the 50 benefits of mentoring to his mentee. The relationship must also be skillfully managed. Having an excellent protege makes all the effort worthwhile.
50 Benefits of Mentoring
Mentoring Guidelines
Mentoring Skills
Being a Mentor
- DollarBillionaire™ has provided the above list of 50 Benefits of Mentoring to assist the reader to see the value in finding an excellent Mentor.
- DollarBillionaire™ has an unpublished Proprietary list of 144 Benefits of Mentoring. We strive to impart all 144 Benefits of Mentoring to each and every one of our mentees.
What is the Role of a Mentor?
What is the Role of a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor?
Mentoring Tips
Mentoring Process
Mentoring Activities
Mentor Mentee Relationship
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #7:
In Actionable Strategy 6 you learnt that there were at least 50 benefits that you expect to enjoy under your new mentor. Now consider exactly what the role of your new mentor will be. He has a vital part to play, and you shouild know what his role is going to be.

What is the Role of a Mentor?
We are going to provide you with two very useful viewpoints:
- A General, Definitive Answer to the question: What is the Role of a Mentor?
- A Specific, Definitive Answer to the question: What is the Role of a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor?
We will also discuss what a Business Mentor is and how this differs from a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor.
A General, Definitive Answer to the question: What is the role of a Mentor?
1 – Before the role of a mentor can be examined, we need to understand exactly what a mentor is. We have defined this as:
“A Mentor is a person who has accumulated Wisdom, Deep Understanding, Experience, Knowledge, Skills, Tricks and Expertise in a particular area of endeavor, and is WILLING to impart such attributes to another person, has the TIME to impart such attributes, and has the personal skill of being able to VERBALIZE AND TEACH the Wisdom, Deep Understanding, Experience, Knowledge, Skills, Tricks and Expertise in such a fashion that the recipient person, the Mentee, can understand, absorb, retain in memory, and recollect as needed, the attributes, and is MOTIVATED AND DRIVEN by the Mentor to action them, being CHALLENGED by the Mentor to achieve ever greater heights of success, stretching himself to his personal limit and beyond.”
2 – A mentor, as defined above, has the role of imparting at least 50 specific benefits to his mentee, namely:
1. Increased Probability of Success: The mentor should increase the chances of great success of his mentee.
2. Time: The mentor should shorten the time needed to achieve success.
3. Magnitude: As a result of helping his mentee to arrive at success earlier, the mentee has more time left in his life to grow even further, thus the magnitude of his success should be increased by the mentor.
4. School of Hard Knocks: The mentor must pass on life’s hard lessons that he learnt over time.
5. Personal SWOT Analysis (Strengths / Weaknesses/ Opportunities / Threats): A good mentor will seek to understand his mentee, his strengths and weaknesses, and the unique opportunities and threats that he faces. He will then help the mentee where most in needed and will not pay too much attention to areas where the mentee is stronger.
6. Tricks of the Trade: The mentor should teach his mentee many tricks of the trade, things that are learnt by hard experience.
7. Advice: The mentor must give advice, support, guidance and help to his mentee.
8. Skills: The mentor must help the mentee to build a problem solving skill set.
9. Expertise: The mentor must pass on his expertise to the mentee.
10. Problem Solving: The mentor should assist his mentee with problem solving skills, and actually helping him solve problems.
11. Wisdom: The mentor must pass on his hard earned wisdom to his mentee.
12. Time Management: Time is the most scarce resource. We all have only 24 hours in a day and limited days. A good mentor must teach his mentee how to optimize the use of his time, trimming off time wasting activities and encouraging multitasking where appropriate.
13. Sleep Management: A good mentor must teach sound, productive, sleep habits and patterns, leading to increased success and effectiveness of self application by the mentee.
14. Exercise and Nutrition: A good mentor must stress the need for good exercise and nutrition to optimize the level of efficiency of his mentee. This will carry the individual through very stressful times on the path to success, and increase the mental and cognitive powers of the mentee.
15. Decision Making: As the mentee grows and develops in his chosen endeavor, he will reach many decision points where he will have to make choices between multiple potential routes. The mentor should guide the mentee to make the optimal choices. The mentor should also protect the mentee from making bad choices which could set him back years and be very costly.
16. Techniques: The mentor should pass on special techniques to his mentee, who will be required to understand them and then implement them correctly to benefit from them.
17. Validation: Often, validation can be very powerful. Once a mentee has taken a tough decision, the mentor should validate that decision if he is in agreement with it, assuring the mentee that he has made a wise choice. This empowers the mentee and energizes him to more confidently implement his decision.
18. Clarity: Often concepts are illusive and hard to verbalize. The reasons behind exactly why a decision was taken may also be not readily apparent. The mentor should work with the mentee until you have clarity of thought has been achieved on the matter at hand, and the mentee can then move forward knowing exactly what his thought processes were that led to a decision being made.
19. Networking and Contacts: The mentee should benefit from the mentor’s social circle and business contacts. The mentor should put the mentee in contact with just the right person at just the right time, and the benefit of this can be immense.
20. Very Personal Development: The mentor should help the mentee with personal aspects that other people will never dare to mention.
21. Communication Skills: The mentee’s communication skills are a case in point. If for example the mentee has a whiny voice and bad intonation, the mentor could point this out and assist with voice development and intonation improvement. Friends are hardly ever helpful here, they are more supportive than truthful when it comes to such matters.
22. Literature: The mentor should recommend helpful books, YouTube channels and so on that will assist with the mentee’s personal growth.
23. Dead Mentors: Many of the best mentors are now long deceased. They were truly great men and women, but hardly anyone talks about them now, or knows about them, since they are no longer topical. A good mentor should bring these people to the mentee’s attention and encourage him to research their writings.
24. Achievement Sharing: When the mentee achieves something, the mentor should recognize this achievement and encourage the mentee further.
25. Goal Setting: We all know how important goal setting is. The mentor should assist the mentee here, in particular he knows when a goal is too low, or alternatively unachievable, and should assist the mentee to set a goal that stretches him to the limit, whilst still being within the bounds of possible attainment.
26. Accountability: Often mentees are people who are not accountable to others in any big way. The mentor must hold his mentee accountable to perform as directed, since this leads to a greater probability of action being taken to achieve goals.
27. Focus: One of the keys to success is Focus, Focus, Focus. Laser Focus to be exact. A good mentor must ensure that the mentee remains focused on goal achievement.
28. Stretch and Challenge: A good mentor must continually stretch his mentee to achieve ever greater heights of achievement, continually challenging him to keep advancing.
29. Leadership Training: The mentor must help his mentee to develop, and practice, essential leadership skills.
30. Self Esteem and Confidence: The mentor must help his mentee to build self esteem and self confidence levels.
31. Motivation and Encouragement: A good mentor will help to motivate his mentee, and build his self motivation skills, and keep him focused on goal attainment.
32. Perseverance: Success requires much perseverance, success does not come easy. The mentor must encourage and stress the need for perseverance.
33. Self Discipline: When the mentee becomes slack a good mentor must reinforce in him the need for self discipline – without which success is no more than a delusion.
34. Formation of Good Habits: The mentor must help his mentee to build good habits that are conducive to success.
35. Elimination of Bad Habits: The mentor must assist the mentee in identifying and eliminating bad habits that work against his chances of success.
36. A Useful Ally: The mentee should benefit from the fact that he is not alone in this fight, he has someone at hand who is on his side, who can be strong for him when he is weak, namely the mentor.
37. Overview: The mentor should provide a solid overall understanding of the area of achievement that his mentee is following, helping him to see the wood for the trees.
38. New Perspectives: The mentor must help the mentee to see new perspectives, to see new opportunities, to recognize windows of opportunity, things that he might miss if he were winging it alone.
39. Change Management: Managing change is one of the most difficult things to do, and yet change is essential in times of rapid growth and development. The mentor must help his mentee to navigate change and embrace its positive spinoff effects.
40. Criticism: The mentor should offer well chosen criticism to his mentee. A mentee should treasure and ponder the criticism he receives from his mentor. This stimulates self examination and is one of the keys to new personal growth in areas of weakness.
41. Venting in Safety: The mentor must let his mentee know that he is approachable to the extent that he allows venting. A good relationship with your mentee would give him a place to vent when things upset or annoy him. After he has have poured out his frustrations and the two of you have discussed things, he will be in a good position to take a reasoned and balanced approach to the problem.
42. Sounding Board: The mentee must know that he can discuss his ideas with you as his mentor. This will help him to decide which ideas to follow up on and which to drop.
43. The “Mentored By ” Halo Effect: If you as a mentor are highly respected, and you should be, then by others just knowing that you mentored the mentee adds to his personal aura, and this can be very beneficial in many circumstances.
44. Unbiased Point of View: The mentor should provide the mentee with an alternate and unbiased point of view regarding problems and opportunities that he is faced with.
45. A Muse: The mentor must bring out the best in the mentee.
46. A Role Model: The mentor must be an excellent role model to his mentee. Having a role model to emulate and to aspire to is a big help for the mentee when striving for extreme success.
47. Strategy formulation and Implementation: Strategy formulation and implementation is a very important part of running any business and is something that the mentor must guide the mentee through. The mentor must have experience and skills here and must protect the mentee from faulty thinking and bad decision making in this area. Even if the mentee is not being mentored for business, he will need a strategy and will need to implement that strategy. The implementation side of the strategy will be very much for the mentee to action, however the mentor must help to ensure that strategy is not just a dead document, but is brought to life by the mentee.
48. Long term relationship: You should aim at forming a long term relationship with your mentee. The benefits here are obvious. Since you as mentor will have a strong understanding of the mentee, his needs and his goals, you will be up to steam very quickly to assist him with new developments as they occur.
49. New World View: The mentor must build the mentees understanding regarding how things actually are in his area of achievement, how the important variables interconnect and interrelate.
50. New Mind Set: The mentor must provide the mentee with a new way of thinking about things, new insights into the art of being successful, and a set of solid principles regarding what it takes to be successful.
A Specific, Definitive Answer to the question: What is the Role of a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor?
A Business Mentor is a subset of all Mentors. Business Mentors mentor in various aspects of a business. As can be seen in the diagram below, a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor is a special subset of Business Mentors. Wealth and Prosperity Mentors, of which there are very few in the world, mentor on the Creation of Wealth and Prosperity. DollarBillionaire™ in particular mentors on the creation of MASSIVE Wealth and MASSIVE Prosperity.

Mentors market
So, what is the role of a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor?
1 – A Wealth and Prosperity Mentor is a special class of a Business Mentor, which is a special class of general Mentors. Before the role of a Wealth and Prosperity mentor can be examined, we need to understand exactly what a Wealth and Prosperity mentor is. We have defined this as below:
“A Wealth and Prosperity Mentor is a person who possesses a specific “TOOLSET” in that the Mentor:
- has Mastered the Art of Business Management, Wealth Creation, Wealth Investment and Wealth Retention; and
- has accumulated Great Business Wisdom, and Deep Understanding of the Processes and Techniques of Business Management, Wealth Creation, Wealth Investment and Wealth Retention, and
- has Experience in all aspects of Business Management, Wealth Creation, Wealth Investment and Wealth Retention, and
- understands Power, how to Create and Seize Power, and how to Wield Power and how to Retain Power, and
- understands Business Warfare, Information gathering and absorption, how to Strategize and Conduct Business Warfare, and how to Win and at the same time Neutralize and even Destroy the enemy, and
- has accumulated the Knowledge, Skills, Tricks and Expertise needed to build a Successful, Growing, Profitable Business Empire, and
- has a deep understanding of the Processes behind Optimizing the Effectiveness of a person’s MIND, MINDSET, WORLDVIEW, SELF ESTEEM, BODY, DRIVE, CREATIVITY, SELF APPLICATION, SELF MOTIVATION, SELF DISCIPLINE, PERSEVERANCE, Financial and Personal HABITS.
and :
- is willing to GET TO KNOW HIS MENTEE INTIMATELY in order to create a personalized delivery of the Toolset to the Mentee, and
- is WILLING to impart such a Toolset to another person, and
- has the TIME to impart such a Toolset, and
- has the personal skill of being able to VERBALIZE AND TEACH the Toolset to his Mentee, in such a fashion that the Mentee can understand, absorb, become, retain in memory, recollect, and implement as needed, the Toolset, and
- is MOTIVATED AND DRIVEN by the Mentor to action the Toolset,
- being CHALLENGED by the Mentor to achieve ever greater heights of success, power, monetary revenue, financial abundance, and financial wealth, and at all times
- stretching the Mentee to his personal limit and beyond. “
2- A Wealth and Prosperity Mentor, as defined above, has the role of imparting at least 144 specific benefits to his mentee.
Here are 50 of these 144 benefits that a Mentee should enjoy under the mentoring of a Wealth and Prosperity mentor:
(If mentored by DollarBillionaire™, the mentee will enjoy all of these benefits, plus a further 94 mentee benefits, as discussed below.)
1. Increased Probability of Success: The mentor should increase the chances of great success of his mentee.
2. Time: The mentor should shorten the time needed to achieve success.
3. Magnitude: As a result of helping his mentee to arrive at success earlier, the mentee has more time left in his life to grow even further, thus the magnitude of his success should be increased by the mentor.
4. School of Hard Knocks: The mentor must pass on life’s hard lessons that he learnt over time.
5. Personal SWOT Analysis (Strengths / Weaknesses/ Opportunities / Threats): A good mentor will seek to understand his mentee, his strengths and weaknesses, and the unique opportunities and threats that he faces. He will then help the mentee where most in needed and will not pay too much attention to areas where the mentee is stronger.
6. Tricks of the Trade: The mentor should teach his mentee many tricks of the trade, things that are learnt by hard experience.
7. Advice: The mentor must give advice, support, guidance and help to his mentee.
8. Skills: The mentor must help the mentee to build a problem solving skill set.
9. Expertise: The mentor must pass on his expertise to the mentee.
10. Problem Solving: The mentor should assist his mentee with problem solving skills, and actually helping him solve problems.
11. Wisdom: The mentor must pass on his hard earned wisdom to his mentee.
12. Time Management: Time is the most scarce resource. We all have only 24 hours in a day and limited days. A good mentor must teach his mentee how to optimize the use of his time, trimming off time wasting activities and encouraging multitasking where appropriate.
13. Sleep Management: A good mentor must teach sound, productive, sleep habits and patterns, leading to increased success and effectiveness of self application by the mentee.
14. Exercise and Nutrition: A good mentor must stress the need for good exercise and nutrition to optimize the level of efficiency of his mentee. This will carry the individual through very stressful times on the path to success, and increase the mental and cognitive powers of the mentee.
15. Decision Making: As the mentee grows and develops in his chosen endeavor, he will reach many decision points where he will have to make choices between multiple potential routes. The mentor should guide the mentee to make the optimal choices. The mentor should also protect the mentee from making bad choices which could set him back years and be very costly.
16. Techniques: The mentor should pass on special techniques to his mentee, who will be required to understand them and then implement them correctly to benefit from them.
17. Validation: Often, validation can be very powerful. Once a mentee has taken a tough decision, the mentor should validate that decision if he is in agreement with it, assuring the mentee that he has made a wise choice. This empowers the mentee and energizes him to more confidently implement his decision.
18. Clarity: Often concepts are illusive and hard to verbalize. The reasons behind exactly why a decision was taken may also be not readily apparent. The mentor should work with the mentee until you have clarity of thought has been achieved on the matter at hand, and the mentee can then move forward knowing exactly what his thought processes were that led to a decision being made.
19. Networking and Contacts: The mentee should benefit from the mentor’s social circle and business contacts. The mentor should put the mentee in contact with just the right person at just the right time, and the benefit of this can be immense.
20. Very Personal Development: The mentor should help the mentee with personal aspects that other people will never dare to mention.
21. Communication Skills: The mentee’s communication skills are a case in point. If for example the mentee has a whiny voice and bad intonation, the mentor could point this out and assist with voice development and intonation improvement. Friends are hardly ever helpful here, they are more supportive than truthful when it comes to such matters.
22. Literature: The mentor should recommend helpful books, YouTube channels and so on that will assist with the mentee’s personal growth.
23. Dead Mentors: Many of the best mentors are now long deceased. They were truly great men and women, but hardly anyone talks about them now, or knows about them, since they are no longer topical. A good mentor should bring these people to the mentee’s attention and encourage him to research their writings.
24. Achievement Sharing: When the mentee achieves something, the mentor should recognize this achievement and encourage the mentee further.
25. Goal Setting: We all know how important goal setting is. The mentor should assist the mentee here, in particular he knows when a goal is too low, or alternatively unachievable, and should assist the mentee to set a goal that stretches him to the limit, whilst still being within the bounds of possible attainment.
26. Accountability: Often mentees are people who are not accountable to others in any big way. The mentor must hold his mentee accountable to perform as directed, since this leads to a greater probability of action being taken to achieve goals.
27. Focus: One of the keys to success is Focus, Focus, Focus. Laser Focus to be exact. A good mentor must ensure that the mentee remains focused on goal achievement.
28. Stretch and Challenge: A good mentor must continually stretch his mentee to achieve ever greater heights of achievement, continually challenging him to keep advancing.
29. Leadership Training: The mentor must help his mentee to develop, and practice, essential leadership skills.
30. Self Esteem and Confidence: The mentor must help his mentee to build self esteem and self confidence levels.
31. Motivation and Encouragement: A good mentor will help to motivate his mentee, and build his self motivation skills, and keep him focused on goal attainment.
32. Perseverance: Success requires much perseverance, success does not come easy. The mentor must encourage and stress the need for perseverance.
33. Self Discipline: When the mentee becomes slack a good mentor must reinforce in him the need for self discipline – without which success is no more than a delusion.
34. Formation of Good Habits: The mentor must help his mentee to build good habits that are conducive to success.
35. Elimination of Bad Habits: The mentor must assist the mentee in identifying and eliminating bad habits that work against his chances of success.
36. A Useful Ally: The mentee should benefit from the fact that he is not alone in this fight, he has someone at hand who is on his side, who can be strong for him when he is weak, namely the mentor.
37. Overview: The mentor should provide a solid overall understanding of the area of achievement that his mentee is following, helping him to see the wood for the trees.
38. New Perspectives: The mentor must help the mentee to see new perspectives, to see new opportunities, to recognize windows of opportunity, things that he might miss if he were winging it alone.
39. Change Management: Managing change is one of the most difficult things to do, and yet change is essential in times of rapid growth and development. The mentor must help his mentee to navigate change and embrace its positive spinoff effects.
40. Criticism: The mentor should offer well chosen criticism to his mentee. A mentee should treasure and ponder the criticism he receives from his mentor. This stimulates self examination and is one of the keys to new personal growth in areas of weakness.
41. Venting in Safety: The mentor must let his mentee know that he is approachable to the extent that he allows venting. A good relationship with your mentee would give him a place to vent when things upset or annoy him. After he has have poured out his frustrations and the two of you have discussed things, he will be in a good position to take a reasoned and balanced approach to the problem.
42. Sounding Board: The mentee must know that he can discuss his ideas with you as his mentor. This will help him to decide which ideas to follow up on and which to drop.
43. The “Mentored By ” Halo Effect: If you as a mentor are highly respected, and you should be, then by others just knowing that you mentored the mentee adds to his personal aura, and this can be very beneficial in many circumstances.
44. Unbiased Point of View: The mentor should provide the mentee with an alternate and unbiased point of view regarding problems and opportunities that he is faced with.
45. A Muse: The mentor must bring out the best in the mentee.
46. A Role Model: The mentor must be an excellent role model to his mentee. Having a role model to emulate and to aspire to is a big help for the mentee when striving for extreme success.
47. Strategy formulation and Implementation: Strategy formulation and implementation is a very important part of running any business and is something that the mentor must guide the mentee through. The mentor must have experience and skills here and must protect the mentee from faulty thinking and bad decision making in this area. Even if the mentee is not being mentored for business, he will need a strategy and will need to implement that strategy. The implementation side of the strategy will be very much for the mentee to action, however the mentor must help to ensure that strategy is not just a dead document, but is brought to life by the mentee.
48. Long term relationship: You should aim at forming a long term relationship with your mentee. The benefits here are obvious. Since you as mentor will have a strong understanding of the mentee, his needs and his goals, you will be up to steam very quickly to assist him with new developments as they occur.
49. New World View: The mentor must build the mentees understanding regarding how things actually are in his area of achievement, how the important variables interconnect and interrelate.
50. New Mind Set: The mentor must provide the mentee with a new way of thinking about things, new insights into the art of being successful, and a set of solid principles regarding what it takes to be successful.
There are a further 94 Benefits that DollarBillionaire™ confers on its mentees. To be fair to our paying Mentees, these are kept out of the public domain and are made available to paying mentees only. Indeed, to repeat what we said before:
The DollarBillionaire™ Website and all of its contents are designed to assist the reader to make wise choices in finding a Business Success Mentor, and in understanding the Business Environment in which we all operate. Many extremely valuable tips and nuggets of advice are to be found here, at the Dollar Billionaire™ Website, for free. This Definitive Guide is such an example – the advice contained herein is world class.
HOWEVER, the content of our DollarBillionaire™ Mentorship Programme is NOT available to casual visitors, and cannot be found on this website. This valuable content is reserved for our Mentees, and can only be accessed by applying for Mentorship and being accepted as such. The contents of our website are thus NOT to be construed as indicative of the content of our Mentoring Programme. The headings and contents of our menus above are also not indicative of the contents of our Mentoring Programme.
Mentoring and Mentoring Tips
Mentoring is quite simply the process of a mentor doing his job. The best tip that a potential mentor should know is this: be aware of exactly where you are trying to take your mentee, and then take him there, by any means. Refer to the Definition of a Mentor to understand what a mentor is and continually refer to the 50 Benefits that a Mentee should enjoy under your guidance.
The Mentoring Process
The process varies from mentor to mentor. There is no set process. This being a very relationship orientated activity, the process cannot be defined as the two humans involved forge the process together. Very niche specific mentors, such as Dollar Billionaire™, may have a guideline process mapped out. Indeed Dollar Billionaire™ does have such a process, and it is continually being refined over time.
Mentoring Activities
The reader is referred to the Role of a Mentor since this indicates the activities that would be involved.
Mentor Mentee Relationship
This is a human relationship and the two parties should bring their relationship skills to the party. The mentee should know what his role is, and carry it out accordingly, Likewise for the Mentor, he should know what his role is and carry it out accordingly. This is discussed in detail in this article and quick links are given here:
What is the Role of a Mentor?
What is the Role of a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor?
Mentoring Tips
Mentoring Process
Mentoring Activities
- A Business Mentor is simply a mentor that mentors on various aspects of a business. A Wealth and Prosperity Mentor is a Business Mentor that concentrates on teaching the art of getting Wealthy and Prospering, this being a highly specialized form of Business Mentoring.
- A Mentor should be thoroughly acquainted with the definition of a mentor so that he can carry out the role of a good mentor adequately.
- In carrying out his role as a mentor, a mentor needs to impart up to 50 benefits towards his mentees.
- At DollarBillionaire™, we impart all of the 50 benefits stated above, plus a further 94 proprietary benefits in order to mentor our mentees in the very rare art of becoming Massively Wealthy and Massively Prosperous.
Mentor Mentee
What is the Role of a Mentee?
Synonyms for Mentee
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #8:
Now you need to consider exactly what role you will play in the Mentor/Mentee relationship. By understanding this, and by walking in these shoes, you stand to gain the most from your mentoring.
How does the Dictionary define a Mentee?
The Dictionary definitions are inadequate, yet worthwhile looking at.
The Cambridge Dictionary:
“mentee noun
uk /menˈtiː/ us
someone who is given support and advice about their job by a mentor (= a more experienced person who helps them):”
The Oxford Dictionary:
A person who is advised, trained, or counselled by a mentor.”
Collins Dictionary:
“mentee in British
someone who is mentored”
Merriam Webster Dictionary:
“: one who is being mentored : Protege “
nouna person who is guided by a mentor”
“The person in receipt of mentorship may be referred to as a protégé (male), a protégée (female), an apprentice or, in the 2000s, a mentee.”
One who is mentored.”
“Mentoring is most often defined as a professional relationship in which an experienced person
(the mentor) assists another (the mentoree) in developing specific skills and knowledge that will
enhance the less-experienced person’s professional and personal growth.”
Comments on the above Definitions
For normal purposes, as in a quick dictionary explanation, the above does suffice.
However, when one is seriously looking for an excellent Mentor, to change one’s life for the better, a much more accurate, insightful and helpful definition of what a Mentee is, is needed. We are going to supply you with just that, a more accurate, insightful and helpful definition of “Mentee”. This will assist the Mentee to know what part he plays in the relationship, and therefore will help him to walk in his side of the Mentor / Mentee relationship.
A Mentee is simply a person who is being Mentored.
This is a good definition, but it is not perfect. To fully understand this definition above, one needs to know what it means to be mentored. This is fully discussed in Chapter 2 above. So now lets set down the full definition of a Mentee:
A General, Definitive Definition of a Mentee

The Best Definition of Mentee
by DollarBillionaire™
“A Mentee is a person who is being mentored by a Mentor, where a Mentor is a person who has accumulated Wisdom, Deep Understanding, Experience, Knowledge, Skills, Tricks, and Expertise in a particular area of endeavor, and is WILLING to impart such attributes to the Mentee, has the TIME to impart such attributes, and has the personal skill of being able to VERBALIZE AND TEACH the Wisdom, Deep Understanding, Experience, Knowledge, Skills, Tricks and Expertise in such a fashion that the Mentee can understand, absorb, retain in memory, and recollect as needed, the attributes, and is MOTIVATED AND DRIVEN by the Mentor to action them, being CHALLENGED by the Mentor to achieve ever greater heights of success, stretching himself to his personal limit and beyond.”
A Definition of a Wealth and Prosperity Mentee:

Definition of a Wealth and Prosperity Mentee
by DollarBillionaire™
“A Wealth and Prosperity Mentee is a person who is being mentored by a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor, where a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor is a person who possesses a specific “TOOLSET” in that the Mentor:
- has Mastered the Art of Business Management, Wealth Creation, Wealth Investment and Wealth Retention; and
- has accumulated Great Business Wisdom, and Deep Understanding of the Processes and Techniques of Business Management, Wealth Creation, Wealth Investment and Wealth Retention, and
- has Experienced all aspects of Business Management, Wealth Creation, Wealth Investment and Wealth Retention, and
- understands Power, how to Create and Seize Power, and how to Wield Power and how to Retain Power, and
- understands Business Warfare, Information gathering and absorption, how to Strategize and Conduct Business Warfare, and how to Win and at the same time Neutralize and even Destroy the enemy, and
- has accumulated the Knowledge, Skills, Tricks, and Expertise needed to build a Successful, Growing, Profitable Business Empire, and
- has a deep understanding of the Processes behind Optimizing the Effectiveness of a person’s MIND, MINDSET, WORLDVIEW, SELF ESTEEM, BODY, DRIVE, CREATIVITY, SELF APPLICATION, SELF MOTIVATION, SELF DISCIPLINE, PERSEVERANCE, Financial and Personal HABITS.
- is willing to GET TO KNOW HIS MENTEE INTIMATELY in order to create a personalized delivery of the Toolset to the Mentee, and
- is WILLING to impart such a Toolset to another person, and
- has the TIME to impart such a Toolset, and
- has the personal skill of being able to VERBALIZE AND TEACH the Toolset to his Mentee, in such a fashion that the Mentee can understand, absorb, become, retain in memory, recollect, and implement as needed, the Toolset, and
- is MOTIVATED AND DRIVEN by the Mentor to action the Toolset,
- being CHALLENGED by the Mentor to achieve ever greater heights of success, power, monetary revenue, financial abundance, and financial wealth, and at all times
- stretching the Mentee to his personal limit and beyond.”
Some Synonyms for Mentee :
Mentoree, protege, pupil, learner, student.
The Role of a Mentee:
Before the mentee even steps into his role, he should have covered much ground, including:
He has set out clearly his “Achievement Area” – what exactly is he trying to achieve and in what field of endeavor is it?
He has set out his “Measurable Milestones” – describe exactly what you want to achieve, how much of it, and by when.
This is covered in detail in the Overview above, and this should be referred to if the concepts are not clear.
Then the role of the mentee becomes:
The Role of a Mentee:
1. Listen: The mentee must actively practice the art of listening. He should pay special care to hear what the mentor is actually saying. He must ensure that he does not hear what he thinks the mentor is saying. Often the most important skills are defined by small nuances, and without acute listening skills, the mentee will not receive the information conveyed by the mentor correctly.
2. Time: The mentee must make the time available to benefit from his mentor. He should also respect his mentors time. Mentors, especially the good mentors, will value their time very highly. You should too.
3. Be Transparent: The mentee must play open cards with his mentor, and allow the mentor to really get to know him. The mentee should allow the mentor to get to know his strengths and weaknesses, his shortcomings and failures, his fears and his personality quirks. In this way, his mentor will be empowered to help him more.
4. Understand: The mentee must ensure that he understands what he is being taught.
5. Ask: The mentee should ask if he is not clear on some item. Beware of asking questions that indicate that you have not been listening. This can anger your mentor who might well at that point reduce his efforts to help you.
6. Absorb: The mentee must learn and absorb all that he is taught.
7. Become the part: The mentee must ponder on all that he is taught and make it his own. It must become him.
8. Memory: The mentee must commit to memory all that he learns from his mentor.
9. Recollection: The mentee must practice recollection of all that he is taught. He must ensure that his new skills are at hand on his fingertips at all times.
10. Implement: The mentee must implement all that he is taught, as often as he can and as quick as he can. This will accelerate his transformation process. Indeed he should practice a level of impatience with himself, being super eager to implement his new knowledge.
11. Self Motivation: The mentee must practice self-motivation and not rely solely on his mentor for motivation.
12. Drive: The mentee must ensure that he is self-driven to succeed in meeting or exceeding his aspirations.
13. Rise to Challenges: The mentee must rise to face squarely the challenges that his mentor places in front of him.
14. Stretch: The mentee must realize that he can be far more than he currently is. He should therefore continually strive to stretch his abilities and to grow to fit the bigger shoes that his mentor is fashioning for him.
15. Believe: The mentee must believe what he is taught by his mentor, even though he might not understand why nor agree with the teaching. He should implement the teaching as it is taught to him and in arrears, later, find out why. If for example he is told to start his day at 5 am, he should rise at 5 am every day without fail until he becomes used to it and understands the sense behind it, even if he hates the idea.
16. Mentor Mindset: The mentee should understand the mentor mindset. The mentor is also a human and if his mindset is understood by the mentee then he can form a better, stronger, and more productive relationship with his mentor. Most mentors value the success of their mentees very highly. Often they value this much more than the financial payment that they might receive for their efforts. As such, when a mentor perceives that his mentee is truly committed and is eager to listen, learn, absorb, recollect and implement, then the mentor himself becomes more motivated to give even more to the relationship. This can only benefit the mentee greatly.
17. Eager: The mentee must be most eager to learn.
18. Attitude: The mentee must have an attitude of a student, and display almost uncontrolled eagerness to learn, gratefulness for the privilege and opportunity to learn, and respect towards his mentor.
19. Follow: the mentee must not attempt to control or lead the relationship. For the longest time, he should accept the leadership of the mentor. Much later on in the process, he can raise matters of concern. He must accept the timing and scheduling of the process as set out by his mentor. Elevate your mentor to the status of role model, and actively seek to become like him.
20. Note Taking: The mentee must take excellent notes and review them often, adding his own thoughts and questions that he might raise later.
21. Thoughtfullness: At all times the mentee should display thoughtfulness towards his mentor. For example, if he is well rested and full of energy but perceives that his mentor, who is often older, is a bit drained, he should make adjustments accordingly.
22. Patience: The mentee should practice patience with the process. Even if he cannot see how the current topic might benefit himself, he should totally commit to it and wait to see the results later. The mentee must absolutely accept that if he himself did, in fact, know better, then why is he not performing as he aspires to? There must be some flaw/shortcoming that he needs to overcome and it is the job of his mentor to lead him to the point where he wins that battle.
23. Polish Aspirations and Goals: Working with his mentor, the mentee should polish his “Area of Achievement” statement, and his “Measurable Milestones” list.
24. Request Feedback: Occasionally, ask your mentor for honest and open feedback on how you are progressing. Make it clear that you will accept all comments designed to help you, especially in your weak areas and blind spots. If your mentor has no comments at that time, consider asking for feedback on areas that are troubling you. Be mentally prepared for constructive criticism, and take notes actively during this process. This is a difficult process to navigate well. Do not get defensive or try to justify yourself. Never attack back. This is not about your mentor growing or changing, it’s about your growth and change. Indicate your openness and receptiveness to all comments. Repeat back to your mentor what you hear him say until you are sure that you are actually hearing him correctly. Thank him for the input. Then in your own time absorb all the feedback and take steps to address areas of concern. Later, ask for followup comments on how you are addressing areas of concern.
25. Curb your mouth: Most of the time you should be in listening mode. Listening to him 95% and talking to him 5% of the time is a good rule of thumb. However, when asked a question, speak your thoughts clearly, thoroughly and respectfully.
26. Calls: Take incoming calls from your mentor at all times and return missed calls promptly.
27. Emails: Ensure that you have marked your mentor’s email address as “Not Spam”. Read all his emails twice and respond promptly as appropriate. Check all your Spelling and Grammar before hitting “Send”. Create a Smart Mailbox and collect all his emails in one place. Re-read them occasionally.
28. Promptness and Punctuality: Never be late for meetings. Arrive at least 5 to 10 minutes early, rested and prepared to learn.
29. Homework: Be very thorough here. Use Google. Do research. Read and watch YouTube videos on the subject. Make the best use of technology. Use Google Trends. Use Google Alerts. Use an advanced Cellular phone, an advanced Tablet, and a good Laptop. Search for appropriate android/Apple IOS apps and utilize them. Use a good Diary System, ToDo Planner, and a good Note Taking system. Submit homework on time and ensure all spelling and grammar is correct.
30. Reports: A good mentor will hold you accountable. Accept that whilst this may feel strange and schoolish, it is most decidedly good for you. Be a star in this area – this is one of the secrets of success for a mentee. This is for your own good and will help you to excel. Always submit reports in a timely fashion.
31. Appreciation: Tell your mentor that you appreciate his help, and mean it. Give him positive feedback, especially publicly, whenever you feel that you have benefited from the relationship. Make positive comments on your mentor’s Facebook, LinkedIn, and on his Website if he has one. Volunteer to do a video testimonial for him.
32. Trust: Only make positive or neutral comments about your mentor to others. No-one is perfect, and you are conducting a very difficult and ongoing relationship here. If you have serious negative concerns, discuss it gently, respectfully and privately with your mentor. Keep all your mentoring notes and materials to yourself. Do not publish them or try to score financially from them or from the materials that your mentor gave you.
33. Friendship: do not pursue a socially relaxed relationship with your mentor. Do not invite him to family gatherings and so on. Always and forever, maintain a respectful attitude towards him, his time, his public face, his business and his family.
34. Fly by Yourself: As you start to fly off by yourself, occasionally still report back to him, sharing your successes. Without being prompted by him, track down his social sites and websites and make good comments. Never sever the relationship. Keep the door open for a continued relationship, for life. If he did his job well, over time you will think that the new you was always who you were, and you will grow accustomed to your new self. Think about this at times and express gratitude to him for the transformation.
35. Finality: Never regard the relationship as finally over. Never end the relationship, in particular, never end it badly. In the same way that your Father or Mother will always be your Father or Mother, your one and only Mentor will always be your mentor, for indeed, you should only have one mentor. Learn from other, but have only one mentor for life. Carry this proudly as a great asset throughout your life.
What is the Role of a Mentee?
Synonyms for Mentee
- A Mentee is simply a person who is being Mentored.
- In essence, the Mentor imparts attributes (knowledge, expertise, skills etc) and the Mentee receives these attributes.
- The Role of a Mentee is to walk in the new shoes that a Mentor is fashioning for him.
- Synonyms for Mentee include Mentoree, Protege, Pupil, Learner, Student.
Find a Mentor
How to Find a Mentor
Mentoring Program
Useful Links
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #9:
By now you know enough to go out and find a mentor. Here we tell you how to do this, and we warn you of the pitfalls and bad advice out there.
Find a Mentor
How to Find a Mentor
Mentoring Programs
Useful Links
Standard Advice on finding a Mentor:* not always good advice, see below
This is what you will find if you ask around and search the internet on ways to find a mentor:
Firstly, decide whether or not you need a full mentor, or can some other lessor approach, as detailed below, be enough?
- Follow Blogs and Podcasts of great people
- Read Books
- Attend Courses
- Attend Conferences
- Join a Mastermind Group
- Join a Membership site
- Find a Coach
If you decide that you need a Mentor then the standard advice is to proceed as follows:
- Decide on whether or not you will benefit from mentoring.
- Decide what you want to become before you start searching for a mentor.
- Be someone whom a mentor would enjoy mentoring.
- Find a role model that you admire and want to be like.
- Find someone with integrity.
- Look for someone who has the same values as you do.
- Don’t look for someone like you.
- Find multiple mentors, because no-one knows everything.
- Find someone who is a good listener and a good teacher.
- Find someone with a good social and business network.
- Don’t reach out to strangers, find someone you know.
- Consider online mentorship networks.
- Go to professional networking events and search for your mentor there.
- Go to fitness classes and search for your mentor there.
- Go to volunteer events and search for your mentor there.
- Go to industry meetups and search for your mentor there.
- Book a “Clarity” call, and interview the person.
- Use LinkedIn to search.
- Scour the Social Media for your potential mentor.
- Send your target mentor a gift and hope for a good response back.
- Interview the target mentor on a topic that is not about mentoring, but about him. Later broach mentoring.
- Buy the mentor’s time.
- Study your Potential Mentor, to make sure that he is right for you.
- Approach the person and ask them to be your mentor.
- Evaluate how they responded to your request for mentoring.
- If you have to pester the person to be your mentor, then that mentor is not for you.
- Your real mentor usually finds you, not the other way around.
- If you and the potential mentor are happy, start the relationship.
- Don’t always expect a real relationship, take what you can get.
- You must also give something, it’s not a one-way street.
- Commit to the Mentoring process.
*OK, be warned, some, if not most, of the above advice under the red * up to here is really poor advice!
Here is our advice, and trust us, this is good advice:
Find a Mentor:
22 Important Considerations:
- Start off by creating, refining, and documenting your “Area of Achievement” and “Measurable Milestones“.
- It is ALWAYS a good idea to find a mentor, no matter who you are.
- Your Mentor need not enjoy mentoring you. What is important is that he does Mentor you and that he mentors you properly. Him enjoying the mentoring is just a bonus for him.
- If you believe that your real mentor finds you and that you do not find him, then you probably also believe in Father Christmas. A truly good potential mentor is probably so busy with his life, his business and his success that he will never search for a mentee! You must actively search for your mentor to be.
- It is not crucial that your mentor has the highest levels of integrity. Integrity as such IS a good quality to have. But you are not being mentored regarding how to have integrity. You already know this, we hope!
- If you look for someone who is like you are, then how do you expect to become someone else? Do not look for someone who is like you.
- If you exclude strangers, then this is just self-defeating. Do you want to become like your friends? Do you want to become like your peers? Or something way better, something way ahead of your current status? Do not exclude strangers and do not consider friends and peers. In fact, the best mentor for you will in all probability be a total stranger to you.
- It is really important to find a mentor who is a good listener and a good teacher.
- Do consider online mentorship networks.
- Booking a clarity call with a targeted mentor could be a good idea, if not expensive. Play totally open cards here, and tell the potential mentor exactly why you have booked the call. You do not want to start off such an important relationship based on some form of deceit. Have a pre-prepared list of questions that you want to ask. You will need to book at least 30 to 60 minutes to have a fruitful discussion.
- Barron Hall of DollarBillionaire can be booked in such a fashion, but be aware that his fees are $20k per hour or part thereof. You can use this link to book a call with Barron Hall if you want to follow this path. Considering this cost which would be $20K for 60 minutes, versus the cost of his full Wealth Creation Mentoring, at $100k, there might be better ways to vet him. It would appear that the Wealth Creation Mentoring offers much better value for money since this includes over 100 hours of time with Barron Hall, plus the course materials.
- Searching at Social Media/Fitness Classes/Volunteer Events/Industry Meetups/Business Events/Conferences might work, but is a long shot, and the quality of mentor that you might find there might not be superb, but could be good.
- It is beneficial but not crucial to find a mentor with a good network of social and business contacts.
- If you have to pester your target mentor to be your mentor, then so be it; persist until he agrees.
- Always expect a deep long lasting relationship, accept nothing less.
- Look for a mentor who is so far ahead of you that he is totally out of your league.
- Definitely find a mentor who is astute and who can size you up.
- Do NOT find multiple mentors. Having multiple mentors is wrong on so many levels! Are you seeking his commitment? Do you know anything about good relationships? Pick one really good mentor and grow to fill the shoes that he fashions for you. If you have multiple mentors then you will receive contradictory advice. You will always pick the easiest route. You will become neither fish nor fowl. By all means, read books, follow podcasts, and so on of other great men! But pick one Personal Mentor for life. If you have already chosen a mentor and are not going where you want to go, pick a new one and pick correctly this time, then commit 200%.
- Searching via the internet is a good way to proceed. Search for top people in the achievement area that you are wanting to own.
- Do buy the mentors time. By paying cash, the best approach, or by working for him for free if you cannot find the cash.
- Do not approach the mentor and ask him to be your mentor. Rather approach the mentor and implore him to be your mentor, telling him exactly why you have selected him. Do not accept rejection, keep asking.
- Do commit 200% to the process, learn, absorb and implement like a machine.
Mentoring Programs
Mentoring Programs are systems designed and run within Corporations to mentor their own staff. Often the better staff within the corporation mentor the weaker or new staff. The goals of such programs are to meet the needs of the Corporation, not the needs of the staff. The staff may indeed benefit and enjoy more responsibility and better pay. However, they must always remember that they do not have a true personal mentor. Dollar Billionaire™ always recommends that you find yourself a mentor who is there for YOU, looking after your best interests.
Useful Links
1 – Google Alerts: Handy to alert you on anything! For example, you could be alerted everytime a new article on “Business Mentors” appears: Google Alerts: https://www.google.com/alerts
2 – Google Earth: To understand the world you operate in: Google Earth: https://www.google.com/earth/
3 – Google Finance: Financial News: Google Finance: https://www.google.com/finance
4 – Google Trends: monitor trends by career, jobs, products, whatever: Google Trends: https://trends.google.com/trends/
5 – Businessnewsdaily: For Business news: BusinessNewsDaily: https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/
6 – YouTube: For information on any subject: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/
7 – Wikimedia: Excellent information source: Wikimedia: https://www.wikimedia.org/
8 – Wikipedia: Fount of knowledge: Wikipedia: https://www.wikipedia.org/
9 – Amazon: Great place to buy books: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/
10 – Linkedin: a must have to network: Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/
11 – Wikihow: good how to source: Wikihow: https://www.wikihow.com/Main-Page
12 – Investing.com: Great source of investment advice and knowledge: Investing.com: https://www.investing.com/
13 – Investopedia: the source of knowledge on investing : Investopedia: https://www.investopedia.com/
14 – Entrepreneur: Keep up to date with entrepreneurship: Entrepreneur.com: https://www.entrepreneur.com/
15 – CNBC Make it: Business Information: CNBCMakeit: https://www.cnbc.com/make-it/
16 – CNN Money: Business Information: CNNMoney: https://money.cnn.com/
17 – Yahoo Finance: Financial Information: Yahoo Finance: https://finance.yahoo.com/
18 – The Motley Fool: Finance news: The Motley Fool: https://www.fool.com/
19 – The Wall Street Journal: Finance and Business: The Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/
20 – Forbes: Business News: Finance and Business News: Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/
21 – eBay: A good place to buy hard to find books: eBay: https://www.ebay.com/
22 – Google Maps: Indispensable Tool for Maps: Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/
23 – Google Mail: Indispensable eMail Tool: Google Mail: https://mail.google.com/mail/
24 – Google Play: an Indispensable tool for Books and Apps on your device: Google Play: https://play.google.com/store
25 – Google Security: A must for the savvy internet warrior of today: Google Security: https://myaccount.google.com/security
26 – Google Search: a no-brainer: Google Search: https://www.google.com/
27 – Google Docs: Documents by Google: Google Docs: https://www.google.com/docs/about/
28- Google Sheets: Fantastic Spreadsheet: Google Sheets: https://www.google.com/sheets/about/
29 – Google Slides: Makes for great presentations: Google Slides: https://www.google.com/slides/about/
30 – Google Forms: Create amazing forms: Google Forms: https://www.google.com/forms/about/
31 – Inc: Excellent information Source: Inc: https://www.inc.com/
32 – CNBC: Business Relevant Articles: CNBC : https://www.cnbc.com/world/?region=world
If you are looking for a Business Mentor, and more specifically a WEALTH and PROSPERITY mentor, then you should strongly consider using the service provided by DollarBillionaire™. Barron Hall wrote this post. Barron Hall will be your personal mentor. You can Apply for DollarBillionaire™ Mentoring now by Clicking here.
Find a Mentor
How to Find a Mentor
Mentoring Programs
Useful Links
- Most of the advice available on the internet and from other sources, regarding finding a mentor, is BAD advice.
- Commonly available advice will limit your personal growth tremendously and will at best turn you into a better EMPLOYEE, a better slave.
- You need to research this topic very carefully – do you want to be a better employee or do you want to be the best person that you can be, self-employed, wealthy and free?
- We recommend that you read this entire post at least twice before taking any steps regarding finding your mentor.
Youth Mentoring
Jobs for 15-Year-Olds
Mentoring Children
Student Mentor
Youth Mentoring Programs
National Mentoring Partnership
NYDA Business Mentorship
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #10:
There are a few topics of interest that you need to know about to round off your knowledge and here is the first: What about youth mentoring? Do you have a child that you are considering mentoring? Read this Actionable Strategy for sound advice on this topic.
Youth Mentoring
Jobs for 15-Year-Olds
Mentoring Children
Student Mentor
Youth Mentoring Programs
National Mentoring Partnership
NYDA Business Mentorship
Youth Mentoring is an EXCELLENT idea and one that DollarBillionaire strongly encourages.
Jobs for 15-year-olds
Mentoring Children
It is not recommended that a 15-year-old finds a job. Childhood is precious and no-one should rob a person of their childhood. However, if a child is mentored, if a young person is mentored, and mentored correctly, there are huge advantages to be enjoyed.
The younger a person the fewer bad habits have been formed and the easier it is to form new good habits.
Starting off correctly is just so much easier than learning from other average people and then having to correct mistakes in later life.
An older person struggles to learn a new language. A younger person finds it easy! The younger you are when you commence being mentored, the better. Being older is not a train smash, it is just harder than for the youth.
If you are a parent considering employment for your child, don’t.
If you are a parent considering mentoring for your child, you have our respect! Make sure that you study this post carefully and learn from the excellent advice contained herein. Then, by all means, have your child mentored.
Student Mentor
A Student Mentor is quite simply a mentor who is probably younger than most mentors, and who mentors students, often at a University or at a Colledge or at a School.
Youth Mentoring Programs
Youth Mentoring Programs are programs designed to address the needs of young people. Often specific to an area, they are designed to add to the social good and community engagement is encouraged.
National Mentoring Partnership
The National Mentoring Partnership declares their Vision and Mission to be:
MENTOR’S vision is that every young person has the supportive relationships they need to grow and develop into thriving, productive and engaged adults.
MENTOR’s mission is to fuel the quality and quantity of mentoring relationships for America’s young people and to close the mentoring gap for the one in three young people growing up without this critical support.
They are a large organization based in the United States for the mentoring of youth.
NYDA Business Mentorship
NYDA Business Mentorship is similar to The National Mentoring Partnership of the USA but is based in South Africa. They concentrate more on businesses run by younger people. Their website provides the following information:
Volunteer Enterprise Mentorship Programme is a programme that provides mentorship support to youth businesses. Mentors and young entrepreneurs are assessed, qualified and matched to form an ongoing mentoring relationship aimed at improving the sustainability and growth of a start-up or existing businesses of South African young entrepreneurs.Programme Objectives: Transfer business skills and knowledge among South African young entrepreneurs; Increase sustainability and growth chances of youth businesses;
DollarBillionare™ accepts mentees from ages 13 and above. Mentorship of young minds is highly recommended. Our fees and content are the same as for adults but our delivery is tweaked for the younger minds. Give your child the ultimate gift, a mentorship with DollarBillionare™ will be one of their most valuable and life-changing assets. Start mentoring your child with us at 15 and by 25-30 they could be a US$ Dollar Billionaire.
Youth Mentoring
Jobs for 15-Year-Olds
Mentoring Children
Student Mentor
Youth Mentoring Programs
National Mentoring Partnership
NYDA Business Mentorship
- We do not recommend that children find work
- We highly recommend that children be mentored, and DollarBillionare™ accepts children for mentoring from ages 13 and above.
Mentor Quotes
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #11:
Browse these quotes from Barron Hall to gain some mentoring wisdom.
Mentor Quotes
Mentor Quotes from Barron Hall
“If you do not possess the Self Confidence and Self Esteem to invest Serious Money and Time in Your Own Personal Development, then why would anyone else invest their time and/or money in you? The very first Wealth Asset to invest in is a Healthy and Sizeable Investment in Yourself. It is the source from which all other wealth flows. ” – Barron Hall
“School teaches you to Read and Write. University teaches you to hold down a Job. An MBA empowers you to command a very high paying job. All of the above is a form of slavery. Dollar Billionaire™ Mentoring teaches you Business Managment, Massive Wealth Creation, Wealth Investment and Wealth Retention, leading to Personal and Financial Freedom.” – Barron Hall
“If you think Mentoring is expensive, try figuring out the price of ignorance”.
“Do not run out of runway before you take off.” – Barron Hall
“If you desire to go far, stand on the shoulders of men of wisdom” – Adapted from Sir Isaac Newton by Barron Hall
“The Level of Success that you achieve will never exceed your level of Personal Development because success is something you attract by the person you become. Invest in Yourself before you invest in assets.” – Adapted from JIM ROHN by Barron Hall
“There exists a set of crucial mistakes that a man can make that will forever entrap him into poverty or mediocrity. Avoiding these is one of the keys to creating Massive Wealth, knowing what they are is Financial Wisdom” – Barron Hall
“Desire without Discipline is Delusion” – Barron Hall
“Excuses for Failure are abhorred by the Rich” – Barron Hall
“If you are not a self-motivating, self-improving, self-disciplined man, get a JOB” – Barron Hall
“To measure the Greatness of any Man, count how many men he has Mentored into greatness” – Barron Hall
“It’s not what you know that makes you successful, rather it’s what you DON’T KNOW that prevents you from being Successful” – Barron Hall
“My goal is to Successfully Mentor 2000 new Dollar Billionaires worldwide over the next 5-20 years” – Barron Hall
“When I am done with this Project I will have 2000 very Powerful and Grateful Friends, men and women whom I hope will mentor the new Generation to Come, the Generation of Dollar Trillionaires.” – Barron Hall
“I do not want you to concentrate on me. This is not about me, it’s about you. I want you to become a Super Successful person, a Mega Wealthy individual, a Dollar Billionaire™ Protege.” – Barron Hall
“This Dollar Billionaire™ Mentoring Programme is all about You. Your Future Massive Financial Success, Your Growth, Your Inner Changes, Your Mind Map and the Way that You Think. Your Intensity of Self Application, Your Ability to Stay the Course, and your Ability to Learn Easy and Illusive Concepts, and the Strength to apply them in life. ” – Barron Hall
“I don’t pick my Mentees, they pick me. Those that pick me, I often reject. I don’t look for degrees or financial success or a powerful personality, or any particular gender, or even the ability to pay my fees. I seek a Mentee, male or female, with tenaciousness, determination, drive, vigor, resilience, integrity, and teach-ability. I will gladly mentor a teenager of 16 or an adult of 80 if he or she has these attributes, and nothing else. My fees, however, are non-negotiable.” – Barron Hall
“School teaches you to Read and Write. University teaches you to hold down a Job. Dollar Billionaire™ Mentoring teaches you Business Managment, Massive Wealth Creation, Wealth Investment and Wealth Retention .” – Barron Hall
“Socrates mentored Plato, Plato mentored Aristotle, and Aristotle mentored Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great nearly conquered the world. That is the power of cumulative Mentoring. Be Mentored yourself, Excel, and then pass it on.” – Barron Hall
Other Excellent Mentor Quotes
Here are excellent resources for mentor quotes :
Brainy Quote: https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/mentor
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/mentoring
WiseOldSayings: http://www.wiseoldsayings.com/mentors-quotes/
Pinterest: https://za.pinterest.com/uvize/mentor-quotes/
Different Types of Mentors
Peer Mentor
Formal and Informal Mentoring
Online Mentors
Different Ways of Mentoring People
Mentoring in the Workplace
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #12:
If you are looking for a Mentor, then you need to know exactly what TYPE of mentor you are looking for. Take a quick look here and pick the type that is best suited for your needs.
Different Types of Mentors
Peer Mentor
Formal and Informal Mentoring
Online Mentors
Different Ways of Mentoring People
Mentoring in the Workplace
Peer Mentor
A Peer is a person who is about the same age, or the same social position, or of the same status in a workplace, or elsewhere. A peer mentor is someone who is your peer and fulfills the role of a mentor to you. Peer Mentoring is common at Universities, Colleges and in the Workplace.
Formal and Informal Mentoring
Formal Mentoring is the type of mentoring most used within Corporations. This form of mentoring is highly structured and has defined goals and measurable outcomes.
Informal Mentoring is just that, informal. This form of mentoring is unstructured, does not have defined goals and occurs haphazardly. Informal mentoring often occurs in the home, between the parents and the children. As an example, a Father might mentor his son in playing baseball.
Online Mentors
This is a form of mentorship that occurs entirely online. There is hardly any personal relationship between the mentor and mentee and they do not physically interact. This form of mentoring differs very little from online courses. Many of the great benefits of having a true mentor are lost to the mentee.
Different Ways of Mentoring People
There is no finite set to the number of ways of mentoring people. A mentor can choose to make his style formal or informal. As an example, DollarBillionaire™ has engineered a unique proprietary form of mentoring that achieves great results. Some forms of mentoring may be short term. Sometimes people can choose to have multiple mentors with different styles. Sometimes a give and take relationship is set up, with both parties helping each other. Virtual mentoring is an attempt to mentor via the internet, using the latest technologies like email, 2-way voice and video conversations, or simply via YouTube Channels. A mentor may choose to be very strict, or he can adopt a friendly and relaxed attitude.
Mentoring in the Workplace
Mentoring in the workplace is often run by implementiong structured and formal mentoring programs. Mentoring Programs are systems designed and run within Corporations to mentor their own staff. Often the better staff within the corporation mentor the weaker or new staff. The goals of such programs are to meet the needs of the Corporation, not the needs of the staff. The staff may indeed benefit and enjoy more responsibility and better pay. However, they must always remember that they do not have a true personal mentor. Dollar Billionaire™ always recommends that you find yourself a mentor who is there for YOU, looking after your best interests.
DollarBillionare™ provides a form of mentoring that is unique. Our mentoring is hard to classify but easy to explain: We provide a mentoring SYSTEM that empowers a Driven Individual to achieve Massive Wealth through a one-on-one long-term Personal Relationship between DollarBillionare™’s Mentor and the Mentee.
Different Types of Mentors
Peer mentor
Formal and Informal Mentoring
Online Mentors
Different Ways of Mentoring People
Mentoring in the Workplace
- There is no distinct and clear way of classifying mentors by type.
- This is because mentoring is a relationship, and relationships are set up by people, and can thus be many and varied.
- The main variants are Formal Mentoring in the Workplace or Informal Mentoring outside of the workplace.
Business Mentor
Business Mentors
Business Mentorship
Business Mentor Definition
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #13:
If you are looking for a Business Mentor, then you need to know what a Business Mentor is, and exactly what TYPE of Business Mentor you are looking for. Take a quick look here and pick the type of Business Mentor that is best suited for your needs.
Business Mentors, Business Mentorship, Business Mentorship Definition.
Business Mentors
A Business Mentor is a subset of all Mentors. Business Mentors pass on knowledge on various aspects of a business.
These are the chief Types of Business Mentors:
- General Business Mentor: A General Business Mentor would briefly cover all of the ground that is considered classical Business Science. This would include Planning, Implementation and Operations, Control, Organizational Structure, Organizational Development, Marketing, Advertising, Staffing, Human Resources, Accounting, Strategy Formulation, Finance, Legal Business Structures, Stress Management, Legal Management, Corporate Governance, Customer Relationship Management, Project Management, Data Management, Computing Resources, Logistics Management, Quality Managment, Production Management, Risk Management, Systems Managment, and Procurement Managment.
- Niche Business Mentor: A Niche Business Mentor would concentrate on one or a group of the above Aspects of Management. For example, a Business Mentor might concentrate on Advertising and Marketing.
- Global Business Mentors: These are Mentors that take a much higher level overview of the Business Scene and Mentor on topics that encompass the entire Business Arena plus a Speciality Area. A person who mentors on Mergers and Aquisitions would be classed as a Global Business Mentor. DollarBillionaire™, in particular, is a Global Business Mentor, termed a Wealth and Prosperity Mentor, concentrating on the creation of MASSIVE Business Success, Revenues, Prosperity, Abundance and Wealth. Wealth and Prosperity Mentors, of which there are very few in the world, mentor on the Creation of Wealth and Prosperity.
Business Mentorship
Business mentorship is simply the act of carrying out the work of a Business Mentor.
Business Mentorship Definition
“A Business Mentor is a person who possesses a specific “TOOLSET” in that the Mentor:
has knowledge of and experience in Business Management, or in some particular aspects of Business Management,
and :
is willing to get to know his mentee intimately in order to create a personalized delivery of the Toolset to the Mentee, and
is willing to impart such a Toolset to the mentee, and
has the time to impart such a Toolset, and
has the personal skill of being able to verbalize and teach the Toolset to his Mentee, in such a fashion that the Mentee can understand, retain in memory, recollect, and implement as needed, the Toolset, and
is motivated and driven by the Mentor to action the Toolset,
being challenged by the Mentor to implement his new knowledge. “
DollarBillionare™ provides a form of Business Mentoring that is unique and concentrates on the creation and accumulation of Massive Billionaire Class Wealth. We provide a mentoring SYSTEM that empowers a Driven Individual to achieve Massive Wealth through a one-on-one long-term Personal Relationship between DollarBillionare™’s Mentor and the Mentee.
Business Mentor
Business Mentors
Business Mentorship
Business Mentor Definition
- A Business Mentor mentors on either one or a group of business topics.
- A Global Business Mentor takes a much higher level overview of the Business Scene.
Billionaire Mentor
Get Mentored by a Billionaire
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #14:
If you are looking for a Business Mentor, then maybe you need to find a Billionaire Mentor. Read our guidance on finding a Billionaire Mentor.
Get mentored by a Billionaire.
Billionaire Mentors
Getting Mentored by a Billionaire.
If you are seeking to be more wealthy then finding a Billionaire mentor sounds like a good idea. Mostly it is a very bad idea. Consider these reasons:
- The Billionaire is probably very busy. He does not want to spend his day mentoring someone. He is probably tied up with much more interesting things. Elon Musk for example will be hard pressed to break himself away from his dreams of putting people on Mars, in order to spend his day helping you to make more cash.
- Billionaires have very little time spare. They value their time highly, realising that it is one of the few scarce resources that they cannot buy more of, despite their wealth. You need a mentor who can give you the time in their presence to develop and grow.
- Billionaires often inherited their wealth. They cannot be expected to know how to generate that wealth from scratch. They would probably be more knowledgeable on how to spend money than actually making money.
- Billionaires can be very demanding. You need a mentor who is going to spend the time to get to know YOU, and then fine tune his delivery of knowledge to you given this insight. Most Billionaires are so used to being attended to that it is hard for them to make that mind switch.
- Some Billionaires were just in the right place at the right time. By some turn of events things happend in their lives that they successfully grasped onto and became wealthy. This is impossible to teach. It is also very likely that if they lost all their wealth, they would never be able to regain it, since that kind of luck rarely strikes twice.
- A Billionaire might not have good teaching skills. Even if you managed to find a Billionaire who was a self made man, he might not be able to verbalise exactly how he did it. Often a person like this might teach you the strangest things, things that have nothing to do with his success. This leaves you having to tag along next to the Billionaire, trying to work out for yourself, what it is that he does and how he does it. To complicate this matter, you have no way of going back in time and seeing how he built up his wealth, and this is exactly where you need help now.
Despite all of the above, if you can find a Billionaire, who is a self made man, who has the time to mentor you properly, who has the time to listen to you and get to know you, who has the teaching skill to get across the art of making wealth, then by all means avail yourself of the opportunity. You still need to be aware of all of the points above, because they will impact on the success of your mentoring.
DollarBillionare™ Mentoring addresses all of these issues.
- Barron Hall, our Chief Mentor, is very busy. However, he only takes on new mentees when he knows that he can schedule all of the time required to successfully mentor his new protege. Every application for mentoring is carefully considered in this light. You need to remember that DollarBillionare™ has a share in the increase of the revenue of the mentee. This has the effect that your success is something extremely valuable to us. Your business interests are treated as our business interests.
- Barron Hall inherited nothing in his life. All of his wealth and success was fashioned by his own hands.
- DollarBillionare™ is very demanding. However, the emphasis is on demanding that you learn, grow, implement and become successful, and not on being demanding as in seeking attention to our needs.
- DollarBillionare™ Mentors have excellent teaching skills. Barron Hall wrote this entire article that you are reading now. We not only know WHAT we need to get across to you, we also know HOW to get it across to you.
DollarBillionare™ provides a form of Business Mentoring that is unique and concentrates on the creation and accumulation of Massive Billionaire Class Wealth. We provide a mentoring SYSTEM that empowers a Driven Individual to achieve Massive Wealth through a one-on-one long-term Personal Relationship between DollarBillionare™’s Mentor and the Mentee.
Billionaire Mentor
Get mentored by a Billionaire
- Finding a Billionaire “off the street” to mentor you is probably going to be a very bad and expensive idea
- Utilising the services of DollarBillionare™ addresses all of the shortcomings of having a Billionaire for a mentor.
Millionaire Mentor
Get Mentored by a Millionaire
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #15:
If you are looking for a Business Mentor, then maybe you need to find a Millionaire Mentor. Read our guidance on finding a Millionaire Mentor.
Get mentored by a Millionaire.
Millionaire Mentors
Getting Mentored by a Millionaire.
If you are seeking to be more wealthy then finding a Millionaire mentor sounds like a good idea. Mostly it is a very bad idea. The reasons are very similar to the reasons why it is often, though not always, a bad idea to find a Billionaire to be your mentor. Consider these reasons:
- The Millionaire is probably very busy. The Millionaire would probably be even more busy than a Billionaire, since he is still actively building his wealth. He does not want to spend his day mentoring someone. He is probably tied up with much more interesting things.
- Millionaires have very little time spare. The Millionaire would probably have even less time than a Billionaire, since he is still actively building his wealth. Millionaires value their time highly, realising that it is one of the few scarce resources that they cannot buy more of, despite their wealth. You need a mentor who can give you the time in their presence to develop and grow.
- Millionaires often inherited their wealth. They cannot be expected to know how to generate that wealth from scratch. They would probably be more knowledgeable on how to spend money than actually making money.
- Millionaires can be very demanding. You need a mentor who is going to spend the time to get to know YOU, and then fine tune his delivery of knowledge to you given this insight. Most Millionaires are so used to being attended to that it is hard for them to make that mind switch.
- Some Millionaires were just in the right place at the right time. By some turn of events things happend in their lives that they successfully grasped onto and became wealthy. This is impossible to teach. It is also very likely that if they lost all their wealth, they would never be able to regain it, since that kind of luck rarely strikes twice.
- A Millionaire might not have good teaching skills. Even if you managed to find a Millionaire who was a self made man, he might not be able to verbalise exactly how he did it. Often a person like this might teach you the strangest things, things that have nothing to do with his success. This leaves you having to tag along next to the Millionaire, trying to work out for yourself, what it is that he does and how he does it. To complicate this matter, you have no way of going back in time and seeing how he built up his wealth, and this is exactly where you need help now.
Despite all of the above, if you can find a Millionaire, who is a self made man, who has the time to mentor you properly, who has the time to listen to you and get to know you, who has the teaching skill to get across the art of making wealth, then by all means avail yourself of the opportunity. You still need to be aware of all of the points above, because they will impact on the success of your mentoring.
DollarBillionare™ Mentoring addresses all of these issues.
- Barron Hall, our Chief Mentor, is very busy. However, he only takes on new mentees when he knows that he can schedule all of the time required to successfully mentor his new protege. Every application for mentoring is carefully considered in this light. You need to remember that DollarBillionare™ has a share in the increase of the revenue of the mentee. This has the effect that your success is something extremely valuable to us. Your business interests are treated as our business interests.
- Barron Hall inherited nothing in his life. All of his wealth and success was fashioned by his own hands.
- DollarBillionare™ is very demanding. However, the emphasis is on demanding that you learn, grow, implement and become successful, and not on being demanding as in seeking attention to our needs.
- DollarBillionare™ Mentors have excellent teaching skills. Barron Hall wrote this entire article that you are reading now. We not only know WHAT we need to get across to you, we also know HOW to get it across to you.
DollarBillionare™ provides a form of Business Mentoring that is unique and concentrates on the creation and accumulation of Massive Billionaire Class Wealth. We provide a mentoring SYSTEM that empowers a Driven Individual to achieve Massive Wealth through a one-on-one long-term Personal Relationship between DollarBillionare™’s Mentor and the Mentee.
Millionaire Mentor
Get mentored by a Millionaire
- Finding a Millionaire “off the street” to mentor you is probably going to be a very bad and expensive idea.
- Utilising the services of DollarBillionare™ addresses all of the shortcomings of having a Millionaire for a mentor.
Business Mentors for Startups
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #16:
If you are involved in a Startup and you are looking into the idea of getting a mentor to guide you through this difficult phase, read this Actionable Strategy.
20 Problems that Startups face
If you are involved in a Startup, then you are fully aware that there are many unique problems to overcome. Startups fail frequently, with up to 70% of startups failing within 10 years. Only 50% of startups make it to the 5-year mark.
These problems include:
- Getting to a point of deep understanding of the business
- Obtaining Funding
- Choice of Legal Structure
- Managing and Merging apposing Visions and Missions of the top people
- Building the Managment Team and staffing up with Employees
- Dealing with attacks from Competitors
- Finding offices and ensuring adequate parking facilities are available
- Setting up Banking Arrangements and lines of Credit
- Managing Cashflow
- Managing Risk
- Deciding on what type of Insurance Cover to arrange and at what levels
- Creating a Leadership Style
- Deciding on and cultivating a Corporate Culture
- Building your Brand and Marketing efforts
- Building your Social Media Platforms
- Maintaining Motivation and Drive in the face of severe obstacles
- Finding and retaining Customers
- Setting up new Production Facilities
- Creation of a Website and building SEO
- Managing the Stresses of Rapid Growth
The above problems are often acute in startups. However, all of the normal functions of management have to be attended to as well. These include Planning, Implementation and Operations, Control, Organizational Structure, Organizational Development, Marketing, Advertising, Staffing, Human Resources, Accounting, Strategy Formulation, Finance, Legal Business Structures, Stress Management, Legal Management, Corporate Governance, Customer Relationship Management, Project Management, Data Management, Computing Resources, Logistics Management, Quality Managment, Production Management, Risk Management, Systems Managment, and Procurement Managment.
In the light of the above workload, finding a mentor to guide you and your team through the startup phase is actually crucial. You need to take active steps to address the horrendous 70% failure rate that occurs in the first 10 years.
DollarBillionare™ provides Business Mentoring that addresses all of the needs of Startups. We provide a mentoring SYSTEM that empowers a Driven Individual with his Team to achieve Massive Wealth through a one-on-one long-term Personal Relationship between DollarBillionare™’s Mentor and the Mentee.
Business Mentors for Startups
- Given the extremely high failure rate of Startups, it is an excellent idea to find a Mentor to guide you through this dangerous and tough period.
Preparing Yourself for Mentoring
Building your Self Esteem
Perform a SWOT analysis on yourself
Refine your Measurable Milestones
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #17:
So you have decided to be mentored. Excellent! If you have chosen a mentor wisely, then this is a pivotal event in your life for the better. Read this to find out what to do before you present yourself to your new mentor.
Building your Self Esteem
Perform a SWOT Analysis on yourself
Refine your Measurable Milestones
Self Esteem
The amount of self-esteem that you possess is a powerful predictor towards just how successful you are going to be in life. If you suffer from low self-esteem, then you are highly likely to FAIL in your endeavors. Even if you have good self-esteem, you can and will benefit from increasing it.
How to increase your Self Esteem
It is quite simple really. There are only two main ways to increase your self-esteem:
- Building your self-esteem yourself
- Having others build it for you
Go ahead and do both.
Building your Self Esteem yourself
The fact is that you know what you do on a daily basis. You watch yourself, from the inside. If you see yourself displaying poor self-discipline, failing at tasks that you set yourself, being lazy, procrastinating, giving up when the going gets tough and so on then your self-esteem FALLS. If you see yourself overcoming obstacles, exercising self-discipline, controlling your actions, achieving your goals, then your self-esteem GROWS. You cannot cheat at this, for it is you watching yourself! You actually have to get to admire yourself more, by watching yourself being amazing, being strong, being a victor, being successful, being self-disciplined.
So here is what we recommend to get started. Take on the three tasks as below, and ACE IT! Watch yourself achieve success in these three areas. Observe yourself exercising strong self-discipline and perseverance and your self-esteem WILL grow. Here are your three tasks:
1 – Perform freestanding squats every morning. Follow this routine:
- Squats to be performed immediately on getting out of bed
- Extend your hands forward as you go down and back to your sides as you go up
- Perform 5 squats on the first day and increase by 1 every consecutive day until you are doing 50 squats without a break
- Maintain at 50 squats for the rest of your life, 7 days of the week.
2 – Give up on porn and FAP. FAP = self-relief, sexually.
- No more watching porn, soft porn, or any derivative thereof
- Get rid of all of your music that revolves around sexual desires
- Cease self-relief immediately
- Do not even allow wet dreams – as they appear force yourself to wake up
- If you are already at this point of no porn and no fap, then maintain it forever
3 – Drop a bad habit, other than 2 above
Pick on a bad habit that you do not admire in yourself, and drop it. Here are some ideas- stop smoking, stop drinking, stop fornicating, stop sleeping late, and so on. Pick one.
- Instantly, now, tell yourself that this is no longer who you are
- For example, say to yourself, I am no longer a smoker
- Never ever go back to it
Remember, that you are NOT trying to get into exercising NOR are you trying to drop porn and FAP and you are not trying to drop a bad habit. Sure you will absolutely benefit directly and indirectly from these tasks! But these benefits are incidental to the exercise and are not the point of the exercise. Rather, you are aiming at watching yourself crush it in this situation. You need to consciously look at yourself, witness how you do here, and grow to admire that person! You can do this and your self-esteem will soar.
Have someone else help you build your Self Esteem
Ask a friend or family member or spouse to make comments to you regarding something that they admire in you. They must pick on something that is really there, and then verbalize to you how great you are in that area. They must be briefed by you to understand that they are helping you to build your self-esteem levels. They need to do this often, indeed as often as the chance arises, and it must be sincerely done.
Once you get started at this process, you will quickly get into it and then you can keep running with the idea. The important thing to realize is that you NEED to admire and respect certain things about yourself, and you must be admired and respected by others who tell you as much. Over time your self-esteem will grow and grow. You absolutely NEED great Self Esteem to excel in life and you cannot fake it.
Perform a SWOT Analysis on yourself
SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Follow this process:
- Write down on paper everything that you excel at – your Strengths
- Write down on paper everything that you suck at – your Weaknesses
- Write down on paper the opportunities that are currently present in your life – your Opportunities
- Write down on paper the things that are threatening to cause problems for you – your Threats
Then refine this document over time, as things occur to you. Poll your closest friends and family and get their input on these four areas. Add their comments to this written document. Maintain this document as a living “balance Sheet” of the state of your life as far as a SWOT analysis goes.
Now, when you see your mentor for the first time, be prepared to amaze him! Present him with the document and express the fact that you would appreciate him reading it and helping you where he can.
Refine your Measurable Milestones.
Considering that you are preparing for mentoring, you should have created a list of Measurable Milestones by now. This step is needed even before you start looking for a mentor. Now is the time to refresh the list. The list should contain precisely what you want to achieve, how much of it, and by when. This should also be presented to your mentor at the first meeting. If you want to read the section relevant to measurable milestones, click here.
Go through these steps, plus any other preparations that you mentor has specified, and you are ready for mentoring!
DollarBillionare ™ provides extensive preparation advice for new mentees. We need our mentees to perform at a very high level, so pre-mentoring steps are needed. Guidelines are issued to all of our mentees before they commence their growth path with DollarBillionare ™.
Preparing Yourself for Mentoring
Building your Self Esteem
Perform a SWOT analysis on yourself
Refine your Measureable Milestones
- To obtain the maximum benefit from your relationship with your mentor, you should prepare properly before the mentoring actually commences
- This can include building up your self esteem, doing a self analysis on paper, and refining your goals.
Recommended Reading
The top 8 Business Books to read to prepare for Business Mentoring
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #18:
Certain books are essential to prepare yourself for business mentoring. Refer to this section to find the shortlist of the very best resources out there to help you prepare for some form of business mentoring. For other areas of achievement, ask you mentor to recommend reading for you.
Reading on Mentoring in General
Sadly, we were unable to find any other resource on the internet pertaining to mentoring in general that we would recommend. We looked hard but we could only come up with a handful of very mediocre articles.
This is because those that we did find were either very superficial, or they were biased towards the interests of employers. Many gave what could only be called bad advice.
This Wikipedia article was probably the best of the lot. The Wikipedia article was interesting but not really helpful if you were looking for a mentor.
So without being conceited, we want to recommend that you study this very article here at DollarBillionare™ to fully enlighten yourself on the topic of finding a mentor. You are reading it now, so keep going. This article is over 25 000 words of sound practical advice, personally penned for your benefit by Barron Hall. No copywriters and no gunk. Written with your best interests in mind, not those of your employer.
Reading to prepare for Business Mentoring
Certain books are essential to prepare yourself for mentoring in the field of business. Buy the hard-cover versions if you can. Read them carefully making notes in the book as you go along. Keep them safe in your library and occasionally re-read them.
These books will never be sufficient to prepare you for a successful business career. However, you absolutley must have them under your belt as ground work for you later learning. Build a solid foundation then your house will not collpse later.
The top 8 Business Books to read to prepare for Business Mentoring:
- Think and Grow Rich Book by Napoleon Hill
- The Law of Success Book by Napoleon Hill
- How to Win Friends and Influence People Book by Dale Carnegie
- Rich Dad Poor Dad Book by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter
- The Intelligent Investor Book by Benjamin Graham
- The Power of Positive Thinking Book by Norman Vincent Peale
- The Art of War Book by Sun Tzu
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Book by Stephen Covey
DollarBillionare ™ provides extensive preparation advice for new mentees. We need our mentees to perform at a very high level, so pre-mentoring steps are needed. Guidelines are issued to all of our mentees before they commence their growth path with DollarBillionare ™, and these guidelines include an expanded reading list.
A brief History of Mentoring
Insanely Actionable Strategy to find a Mentor and Build Wealth Fast #19:
This is both entertaining and highly instructive – read this brief history of mentoring. You need to know how important having a good mentor is, and history will provide the best lesson.
Where it all started: The Odyssey – a Poem by Homer
This classic Greek Mythology poem was written about 2820 years ago by Homer. Yes, that is a long time ago. His poem involved a series of events happening about 400 years before Homer’s time. Homer is also the guy who wrote the Illiad.
The poen tells of a King, by name Odysseus, King of Ithaca, a small city-state in Ancient Greece. He was leaving for Troy because the Trojan War was raging, and wanted to ensure that his son Telemachus was properly educated in his absence.
The happles soul who was appointed to this task bore the name “Mentor“, an old and trusted friend of Odysseus. Yes his name was Mentor. He was not aware that he was being a mentor, for he was the first to be called mentor! Well actually his name was Mentor so, he was always called Mentor. Ok, you get what we mean.
The story gets complicated and the goddess Athena disguises herself as Mentor and coaches and guides Telemachus, using the form and shape of Mentor.
Athena is known as the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, military victory, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. She was said to be rational, intelligent, a powerful defender in war but also a potent peacemaker. Athena’s tree was the olive tree and her sacred animal was the owl, the symbol of wisdom. She is known most specifically for her strategic skill in warfare and is often portrayed as companion of heroes and is the patron goddess of heroic endeavour.
Athena was born from Zeus after he experienced an enormous headache and she sprang fully grown and in armour from his forehead.
Athena does indeed carry out a number of the functions ascribed to mentoring – advising, role modelling, advocating, raising Telemachus’s self-esteem.
So the person whispering in Telemachus’s ear was in fact this goddess, and not only the guy called Mentor. So he was mentored by a human called Mentor and a goddess disgusing herself as Mentor.
And somehow, the name mentor stuck for someone who was a wise and trusted counselor and/or teacher and/or advisor helper to a younger / less experienced person. For the best modern definition of mentor, you can read this.
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Alexander the Great.
“Socrates mentored Plato, Plato mentored Aristotle, and Aristotle mentored Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great nearly conquered the world. That is the power of cumulative Mentoring. Be Mentored yourself, Excel, and then pass it on.” – Barron Hall
The Paypal Mafia
This term is used to describe a group of former Paypal employess.
This highly successful group of individuals kept contact with each other, with each one in their own right achieving great successes. For example, the businesses Yammer, YouTube, Yelp, Spacex, Linkedin, Tesla Motors, Palantir Technologies all sprung from the creative loins of these gentlemen. Six or more of these men went on to become Dollar Billionaires. This includes Keith Rabois, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Reid Hoffman, Ken Howery and Luke Nosek.
Ok, something is going on here. A form of mentoring. Exactly who mentored who is unclear but it is clear that they shared knowledge ideas and so on and somehow the mentoring occured between them with massive synergistic effect. Yes mentoring can be extremely powerful. You can read more about this group of men here.
DollarBillionare ™ can mentor you in the art of Creating Massive Wealth. Making that Wealth work for you. And Retaining that wealth.
If you are interested in how Dollar Billionaire™ Mentoring can assist you to become a very High Income Earner and achieve Extreme Wealth, then please browse though this website. If you decide that you desire to make use of our services then please fill out our Application Form and we will get back to you, to start the process.
The DollarBillionaire™ Website and all of its contents are designed to assist the reader to make wise choices in finding a Business Success Mentor, and in understanding the Business Environment in which we all operate. Many extremely valuable tips and nuggets of advice are to be found here, at the Dollar Billionaire™ Website, for free. This Definitive Guide is such an example – the advice contained herein is world class.
HOWEVER, the content of our DollarBillionaire™ Mentorship Programme is NOT available to casual visitors, and cannot be found on this website. This valuable content is reserved for our Mentees, and can only be accessed by applying for Mentorship and being accepted as such. The contents of our website are thus NOT to be construed as indicative of the content of our Mentoring Programme. The headings and contents of our menus above are also not indicative of the contents of our Mentoring Programme.
“When I mentor a person, their Personal Growth and Financial Success is extremely important and personal to me. I love to win and I only win if my Mentee achieves great Prosperity and Wealth. The Manifestation of Abundance through people is what I love to do, and I do it well. My goal is to Successfully Mentor 2000 new Dollar Billionaires worldwide over the next 5-20 years.”
Actuary, MBA, Entrepreneur.
World’s Most Expensive Mentor*
World’s Most Expensive Business Consultant*
*The apparent cost of sitting under Barron Hall’s Mentor-ship is high, however, when one factors in what the Mentee can potentially earn after having been Mentored by Barron, his fees are indeed, over time, negative. If you are excellent raw material, you cannot afford NOT to be mentored by Barron Hall.
The Definitive Guide
by Barron Hall, Actuary, MBA,
27 October 2022